Search results

  1. Morne

    Vans Sells 12 RV-12's S-LSA In An Hour.

    Meeting spec minimums does not necessarily equal quality. Just as barely not breaking the law doesn't automatically make you a refined gentleman and pillar of the community. Specs don't address lots of things. LOTS.
  2. Morne

    Wright Brothers NOT the First

    There is no "e" at the end of Fairborn. They didn't grow into each other. Osborne was PICKED UP AND MOVED right next to Fairfield after Huffman Dam was built and the resulting flood plain would've immersed the town. If you go to Fairborn you can find the Osborne Historical District with the...
  3. Morne

    Wright Brothers NOT the First

    Yawn... Revisionist history conveniently coming out after any participant/witness is long dead. Imagine if ESPN covered the Super Bowl 112 years after the game happened, but with no video tapes to review. Think they'd have any idea about what caused the underdog team's 3rd quarter drive to...
  4. Morne

    DUI/definition of arrest

    So you got so drunk you can't remember and then got behind the wheel of a car. Now you want to fly? I'm not usually one to look down on folks for a DUI. The cops around here have tried to shove DUIs down people's throats who were clearly below the limit and had not been driving sloppily. DUI...
  5. Morne

    STOL vs. non-STOL 182?

    Power on stalls in a STOL 182 are fraking trippy...
  6. Morne

    Vans Sells 12 RV-12's S-LSA In An Hour.

    Good! Someone in aviation needs to succeed. Great bird from a great company. I salute them.
  7. Morne


    Orgon donation is a wonderful thing. My wife sometimes gets called in to help with the transplant team when organs are harvested. It can be in the middle of the night or whenever, which is awfully inconvenient, but the miracles that result would make any benign deity positively beam with pride...
  8. Morne

    Beech 1900 down, let this be a lesson to you all.

    I learned during my IR training to question ATC when something seemed wrong or if they seemed to have forgotten about me. Numerous times they'd be vectoring me towards a radial and I'd fly right through it waiting for them to clear me to intercept. Even got told once to do a left 270-degree...
  9. Morne

    Linder To Have ATC for Sun-n-Fun

    Free people can do what whiny bureaucrats cannot.
  10. Morne

    STOL vs. non-STOL 182?

    Yes, please define the mission a bit more, OP. Do you intend to visit short strips? Did your most recent aircraft have a STOL kit and you are just used to that? I got a STOL equipped 182 because I trained on a STOL equipped 172 and was used to it. I also routinely land at a short strip.
  11. Morne

    Long cross country as low hour pilot (500 miles each way)

    Two months after I got my PPL I flew OH-CA and back. You can do it. The biggest thing you'll lean on such a trip is crossing frontal boundaries and changing weather. Pay attention to these! On my big trip I twice stopped short on a leg due to lowering ceilings ahead. Always have a nearby...
  12. Morne

    Landing lights

    Ok, so one of my two wing mounted landing/taxi lights in my 182E just burned out. I have a 14V system. Which LED lights fit my bird?
  13. Morne

    GPS on used aircraft.

    Who said you need panel mounted GPS to do IFR? Use a /A bird for your instrument training. After that the bird you finally step up to with whiz-bang GPS will be a piece of cake by comparison.
  14. Morne

    Dead Stick Landing, RV-12

    See the (simulated) part in my post? That would be a no. Maybe I am not as brave as the OP.:dunno:
  15. Morne

    Dead Stick Landing, RV-12

    This video inspired me to do some (simulated) engine-out drills in my 182 yesterday. It was a blast! If you haven't practiced these lately give it a try. You'll stay sharp and have fun doing it.
  16. Morne

    Fire Extinguisher?

    It seems the argument against dry chemical is that the post fire residue is corrosive. Like I care! If I have to fight an onboard fire I am not worrying about future corrosion, the insurance company just bought my hull! I have dry chemical behind the left seat.
  17. Morne

    172 or 182 for IFR training?

    Did my instrument training in my 182 after doing my primary in rental 172s. You climb faster on the missed is all. You'll still be shooting all approaches at 90 knots but with the 182 you have the option to shoot at 120 once you get really good at them. Amazing how much faster things happen...
  18. Morne

    Fire Extinguisher?

    Didn't think halon was healthy to suck on, either...
  19. Morne

    Fire Extinguisher?

    Why not CO2?
  20. Morne

    Gulfstream Girl

    Please find a new instructor with which to pursue the wonder of flight. I can think of at least 4 local female CFIs that cover every age range. If you're ever in NE Ohio give a shout and we'll go up in my 182.