Search results

  1. woywoyboy

    Google WTF?

    Just turning off the "Discover" option in the general settings for your account on the app seems to get rid of all the news stories… worked for me, anyway.
  2. woywoyboy

    Victor airways

    To a close approximation, after 2014 the airspace in the UK directly surrounding busier airports like Heathrow is now Class D (it used to be Class A); I haven't been able to find the tops of the Class D. This is overlaid by Class A up to (IIRC) FL 195 everywhere in the country (modulo a few...
  3. woywoyboy

    British Airways Retires 747s

    One of the joys of working in Tempe for me a bunch of years ago was walking up Mill and seeing a giant BA 747 barely scraping its way over A Mountain on its way into KPHX :). Very impressive. I never managed to actually be on the top of A Mountain when it went over, unfortunately. I seem to...
  4. woywoyboy

    Other drivers....

    In New South Wales, Australia (one of the places I'm from), you get a two year probationary / provisional driver's license, which has a lot of restrictions to it (like lower speed limits, no driving on expressways, etc. (from memory)). You have to have a prominent red "P" plate next to your...
  5. woywoyboy

    Katamarino's Round the World flight

    Ah, perhaps you're familiar with Weet-Bix dunked in cold Australian beer, then, one of the, umm, delicacies of my late teenage years and early twenties (and a classic late-night undergraduate snack at the UNSW Electrical Engineering department in Sydney when I was a student there).
  6. woywoyboy

    Katamarino's Round the World flight

    Properly Weet-Bix, please! :-). I grew up in Australia, meaning I'm one of those Weet-Bix Kids in the ads, and I know what Weet-Bix smeared with Vegemite tastes like (I'm also half British, meaning I have Weetabix on that side of the ancestral equation). Weet-Bix (or Weetabix, for that matter)...
  7. woywoyboy

    MEAs, MOCAs and OROCAs

    Perhaps you mean Contiguous US? There are certainly higher spots that Mt Whitney in Alaska...
  8. woywoyboy

    Tiger King, WTF?

    Well, if — like me — you weren't raised in America (and the Daily Mail is, sadly, British), you probably knew OJ Simpson (if you knew him at all), only as an actor. I have to admit that when the whole OJ thing exploded, I had no idea at all who he was…
  9. woywoyboy

    SFO-500 miles radius family fun location

    I've definitely heard good things about KMPI, but that wasn't my experience a few years ago, is all I'll say :) (the walk into town isn't the nicest I've ever done, but it's not too long for this inveterate walker). Maybe it's better in-season?
  10. woywoyboy

    SFO-500 miles radius family fun location

    Yeah, I get that :-) I used to love flying to places like Little River up near Mendocino, or Ukiah, but once you actually got there, what next?! Not everyone just wanted to fly... and at least the last time I was at KLLR it could be a bit of a pain actually getting to Mendocino itself from the...
  11. woywoyboy

    SFO-500 miles radius family fun location

    I can't answer the last questions, but the ranch and the rentals are about an easy mile or so walk from the airport tiedowns, maybe slightly more (and the park's visitor center is a lot closer to the airport, on the way to the ranch). You really, really, really do not want to do that walk in the...
  12. woywoyboy

    SFO-500 miles radius family fun location

    The field is sort of in the middle of town — it's surrounded on three sides by "the town". It's an easy walk to everything from stores to hotels to tourist traps to the beaches to the campground(s). I've been there a bunch of times over the years, and it's a nice day trip or overnighter from the...
  13. woywoyboy

    Netgear Orbi

    I got an Orbi master and slave (as someone says, they're not really mesh systems) after I got fiber to my house and noticed the old WiFi router setup was in fact much slower than the fiber. The Orbis were a revelation: despite being a bit of a pain to configure for my setup, they're faster than...