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  1. momalley

    Robin Williams

    Sad I can remember watching him as Mork growing up. I like pretty much everything he did :(
  2. momalley

    Daily Pic

    Here is a pic I took yesterday morning on my way to Wheeling, WV (KHLG)
  3. momalley

    Longest XC to date scheduled

    I made the trip down yesterday. I was wheels up at about 8:15am as I was waiting for some indications that weather would clear up around the Altoona, PA area. Flew direct and got transitioned through the NY Bravo and arrived at 11:30am. Uneventful trip at 6,500' MSL but there was some haze in PA...
  4. momalley

    Longest XC to date scheduled

    Weather forecasts right now are not what I was hoping for but the trip still looks doable.
  5. momalley

    Medical 10 year driving record

    They should have a form for a FOIA request, just fill that out and send it in and they should mail the 10 year history
  6. momalley

    Foreflight 6.3 available

  7. momalley

    Foreflight 6.3 available

    Anyone able to get the W&B to sync to their other devices after they are set up on the 1st device?
  8. momalley

    Longest XC to date scheduled

    Probably start late winter/early spring. Gonna get 40 or so XC PIC hours in this summer/fall and then see what my year end bonus looks like.
  9. momalley

    Longest XC to date scheduled

    I intend to get flight following and a Class Bravo transition but if not I'll need to skirt the Bravo 332nm is direct KFRG -> KHLG
  10. momalley

    Longest XC to date scheduled

    Archer II
  11. momalley

    Longest XC to date scheduled

    I have reserved a plane for my longest XC to date. I received my certificate back in January and since then have just done some short XC flights and some other sightseeing type flights. I am now scheduled to fly from Republic Airport on Long Island (KFRG) to Wheeling - Ohio County Airport in...
  12. momalley

    How to have an incident

    Glad you are alright and sorry about the plane
  13. momalley

    Introduction: New pilot/C-150 owner

    Welcome and nice looking plane!!!
  14. momalley

    How many have no intent on IFR rating?

    I intend on using an airplane to travel for work. We have about 112 locations, all within a 5 hour drive or a 2 hour flight from my airport. Having the ability to bust through a layer or travel through light IMC is the difference between being able to do this or not being able to do this.
  15. momalley


    That's not still the Red and White LSA that was lost earlier this morning is it?
  16. momalley

    What Airline?

    Whichever one hires you
  17. momalley


    Listening to Fisk as well
  18. momalley

    Wings of Hope Raffle GNS430 equipped 172

  19. momalley

    First night XC...

    I love flying at night as well...about 15% of my hours are at night
  20. momalley

    Worst headline about an flight EVER!

    Dutch Military plane, carrying bodies from Malaysia Flight 17 crash, lands in Eindhoven.