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  1. J

    partial panel training in IMC conditions?

    Point was that we were finished for the lesson. We had gone through the criteria in the syllabus and he decided to mess with me since we were done. Turns out simulators are great for messing with students who have a sense of humor.
  2. J

    partial panel training in IMC conditions?

    I was trying to give more of an overview instead of the full play by play, but no I didn't forget. Turned the pitot heat on and the instructor said "it didn't fix it". For the static, I switched to alternate static, which fixed the problem for all of 10 seconds while my instructor figured out...
  3. J

    partial panel training in IMC conditions?

    This was in a non-motion simulator. He had the weather set up with something like 2 miles of visibility and 200 foot ceilings. Tops at 6000'. My instructor progressively killed the instruments "en route", starting with my vacuum system, then pitot/static, then nav and comms. It was not a...
  4. J

    partial panel training in IMC conditions?

    We did partial panel in the sim (down to no instruments with 200 foot ceilings, great way to crash), simulated with foggles, and in actual...including a few approaches in actual. Then again, the plane had a back up attitude indicator and tracking the nav source was more important than...
  5. J

    Here ya go Jack...

    Applies to every thread azblackbird has posted in: I'm amused that the full words "peanut gallery" are no longer being used.
  6. J


    So, the VOR is still in service? TACAN is referring to an individual component of the VORTAC?
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    Ran into this NOTAM while prepping for my IFR checkride... !FDC 7/5089 SEP IAP STEPHENVILLE CLARK RGNL, Stephenville, TX. VOR/DME-A, AMDT 1A... PROCEDURE NA EXCEPT FOR AIRCRAFT EQUIPPED WITH SUITABLE RNAV SYSTEM WITH GPS, JEN TACAN OUT OF SERVICE. 1704041239-1704111239EST My understanding of...
  8. J

    Flying through MOA and restricted areas

    Slight 7500... Is there a regulation to back that up? During my final instrument progress check, I planned my XC to avoid all MOA's along the way since they were all published to be active during the hypothetical flight. The chief flight instructor recommended I learn more about MOA's and...
  9. J

    How can I Find certain approaches near to me...?

    In your google search, type in: "whatever approach you want to find" "what city/town you're looking for" Seems to work fairly well so far. Edit: This doesn't give you the radius option though. I would suppose if you can't find anything by the city/town name, you could use the...
  10. J

    Fighter Pilot Shortage

    If this was supposed to be a turn off, it isn't working.
  11. J

    Icing yesterday over WV - Can cloud tops be colder than surrounding clear air?

    With respect to vapor-cooling only: As you move through the cloud, you're continuously forcing a phase change in a "new" section of the cloud by adding energy to that section. So even if the temperature equalizes quickly enough for the section you just went through, you've already added more...
  12. J

    First real IMC. Holy smokes!

    I had a my first night IMC experience last week. The first leg of the flight was uneventful, a short flight from KSGR to 11R. RNAV approach, circle to land, touch and go, and we're climbing out and switching back to Houston Approach. Between the checklists, getting the GPS set up, and being told...
  13. J

    Shortcuts to an aviation career?

    @EvilEagle @Tarheelpilot Open question (and I apologize for the thread drift): What is a realistic cut off for an age waiver? Particularly for reserves or Air National Guard.
  14. J

    Time Build

    Where in Texas? I think your other thread mentioned you had access to a plane. Info on the plane?
  15. J

    2016 year in review

    I can't complain. PPL checkride January 2nd. HP endorsement towards the end of July. Complex endorsement yesterday while working on my IFR. If the "semi accelerated" schedule works out the way we've planned, I should be IFR checkride ready by the end of the month. Debating posting a write up/log...
  16. J

    Home IFR training sims?

    As someone very interested in setting up a home sim, I'd appreciate hearing some of those stories.
  17. J

    Why did you not complete IFR Training?

    I signed up for an accelerated course back in February. Shortly after my ground school came in, the amount of time I was spending at work or travelling for work kicked up a few notches. Several delays later, I had finished the ground school, passed the written, and was all set to drive up to...
  18. J

    KEDC vs KGTU

    Thanks! Enjoy your trip as well.
  19. J

    KEDC vs KGTU

    I called GTU and was able to get some good information. The tower, as you said, is open until 2200 local. Since I'll be landing "after hours" (1930 local), and leaving the evening of Thanksgiving, the city tie-downs will be no charge. Sounded like there were 6 tie-downs with the city...