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    Thanks, I'll pass that link to him.
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    I was going to throw the P/C glossary at him for memorization, didn't know about that order.......:biggrin:. Thanks for paging Sean.
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    Good evening. One of my kids is going to be taking classes at a local college in their Air Traffic Managment/Control program. Next term starts in January, but I'm wondering if any of the controllers on here might have some suggestions for reading/prep he can do before classes start. I'm...
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    Question for Maintenance Shops - why the short hours?

    I can only speak to my situation, but would likely not be working full time as an A&P if not for my retirement from the Navy and the disability I get from it. For where I live, my pay wouldn't cover all my expenses. GA can't match the big iron in $$, but QOL if likely better. I work Tues...
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    Interested in flying

    Thats fine. I'm happy to talk with them.
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    Interested in flying

    I'm over at Tappahannock (XSA). Likely won't be flying until the 20th or so, but if you're still looking could take you around the area.
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    Splitting OAT wire-multiple instruments

    Aspen RSM has an OAT sensor, as long as it's mounted external of the plane.
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    AV30 & Aspen?

    The G5 install manual calls for keeping a turn coordinator. The AV30 install manual specifies that it can be a direct replacement for an attitude indicator. AV30 install manual does state that it can't replace a turn coordinator required for autopilot, and can't be part of an autopilot system.
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    AV30 & Aspen?

    Pro with an AV30 would allow you to pull the vacuum system. STC requires a backup attitude indicator, AV30 suffices. I've done other installs using an electric AI as back-up, as well.
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    Cost questions for: ADSB-Out, autopilot, and interior upgrade?

    His quote for a uAvionix ADSB is accurate, but if the transponder fails in the near term you'll have nothing. Stratus ESG is just over $3k for the parts, and not a difficult install. It doesn't require a separate GPS for position, and comes with a Stratus III for ADSB In. Trio has an approved...
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    Ancient Autopilot

    They work fine as AI, I've installed a few as back-ups with Aspens. Not sure you're upgrade plans, but 2 G5's require a separate turn rate. You could put the AV-30 there to control the tailbeaconX.
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    Ancient Autopilot

    I don't know about a software update, they just released in April, but the external magnetometer has been approved for TC'd aircraft. Buy one of those for your heading indicator.
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    Propeller Overhaul Anywhere, Anytime

    H&H Propellers in Burlington, NC offers fly-in service, but might be a bit north of your desired end point. They're normally pretty quick.
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    the "not worthy of it's own thread" thread

    You don't have to enter the flight plan twice, they crossfill. Enter on either one, and it pushes to the other. They won't crossfill to competitors, but in the family works. Garmin also won't cross WAAS to non-WAAS. With his 3 Aspen setup, either will drive the AP since the 750's are feeding...
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    Any Shellbacks or Domain of the Golden Dragon Members Here?

    I have the bluenose and Order of the Ditch (Panama Canal), as well. Oh, yeah, Plankowner, too. Good times. Don't miss the knee knockers, or having to go up or down 3 decks to eat or go to bed..........
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    Any Shellbacks or Domain of the Golden Dragon Members Here?

    Yes, both in 2000/2001.
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    PIREP - Trig Avionics

    I installed a TX56 with TI106 in a bonanza a while back. Easy install, radio works well. The TI106 is made by Mid-Continent, and is a pin-for-pin match for a GI106. They make good radios, I was able to do the install at a better price than had I gone with Garmin stuff.
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    uAvionix skyBeacon: A false sense of security?

    GDL82 is one of the few that might make financial sense, and it's $1800. A GDL88 give in and out, but is over $4k. For that, may as well buy an ADS-B transponder. Not many certified options, once you exclude the uAvionix offerings.
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    Aspen and EA100… The good, bad, and ugly?

    I don't fly it, not multi-rated, but just did an Aspen 2000 (PFD/MFD) in a Piper Chieftain. I have gone with the pilot several times, and the KFC200 integrated with it works very well. Biggest potential hurdle is to ensure your autopilot is configured to work with KI525 HSI. If it's not now...
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    uAvionix skyBeacon: A false sense of security?

    I asked uAvionix about the tailBeacon issue, I’ve followed your issue on pilots place. Part of the problem , according to them, is GPS is so low power (as low as 160 dB), it easy for another signal to block it. And I’ve heard that before with antenna placement, but wouldn’t really suspect it if...