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  1. Joepilotmsp

    Fuel Cap...

    I look at those dang caps every time I go behind the wing. Every time! Care to guess why.?
  2. Joepilotmsp

    Youtube Pilot and her dad perish in TN

    what was the topic again?
  3. Joepilotmsp

    Clearwater FL crash into mobile home park

    No. outside of a dog, a book is a man’s best friend. Inside a dog, it’s too dark to read.
  4. Joepilotmsp


    Not Going to repeat the fine advice already here. I will give you a lot of respect for following your gut and saying no. At your stage of training, you displayed some darn good decision making. Stop second guessing yourself. You’ll get plenty of opportunities in the future to stretch your...
  5. Joepilotmsp

    Clearwater FL crash into mobile home park

    Have you been spying on me doing my preflight? . Screw the T-shirt! I have plenty of scars to prove it…
  6. Joepilotmsp

    Clearwater FL crash into mobile home park

    I love the looks of a low wing, but having “both” be an option is certainly a strong point on my Skylane. NOT claiming it’s a cure all or safer, just a little more idiot resistant. Notice I didn’t say proof!
  7. Joepilotmsp

    Wiggins 1046, B99 N53RP down outside of KMHT 1/26/24

    Wiggins lost another 99 last year up my way. That was on a training mission in VFR if memory serves. Don’t recall hearing anything about the door separating from it. Hope the pilot makes a full recovery. What a nightmare!
  8. Joepilotmsp

    Cold Start Screw up?

    Well we might not be the average user. We preheat as soon as the air has a nip in it. Our planes MUST fire right up every time period. SAR, tracking suspects, executive transport, recon, out of state extradition…. Gotta happen. so far no rust, great compression and 1/2 to one blade rotation...
  9. Joepilotmsp

    Holding the Brakes

    Back in the dark ages when I was earning my ppl and flying clapped out 152‘s, I thought it was normal the parking brake didn’t work. When I moved beyond to aircraft that were maintained by owners and technicians that actually cared, I realized how handy they could be. I like others here would...
  10. Joepilotmsp

    Thank goodness for ADS-B in and Foreflight

    maybe someday Mav, but now it time for your nnap.
  11. Joepilotmsp

    Thank goodness for ADS-B in and Foreflight

    Making lotsa friends Huh Mav? Nice work kicking that hornets nest. I dismissed you as just an arrogant nugget. The same gods little gift to aviation to be avoided on the ramp, hangar, lounge but especially in the pattern. I suggest you read flyingpreacher’s piece, a few times. Your low time...
  12. Joepilotmsp

    Thank goodness for ADS-B in and Foreflight

    Go get em Mav!
  13. Joepilotmsp

    Thank goodness for ADS-B in and Foreflight

    So you can’t see where “cringing when old guy keys up, degraded eyesight,not to mention hearts about to blow out. ”. If you can’t see how that is condescending and arrogant at your age,aint Much to do with that. Well except point out old guys and ladies pass the same medical exam you do...
  14. Joepilotmsp

    Suspected Carb Ice...Rare Magneto Failure

    Our older 182Q has got my attention a few times. I rarely fly that one and if memory serves it was always in cruise. I normally fly a 182S with injection. No carb ice, but can be tricky to get started with a hot engine. Like everything in aviation, it’s a trade off…
  15. Joepilotmsp

    Thank goodness for ADS-B in and Foreflight

    As one of those ”old guys”, my eyes passed the same test yours did but I do have thousands of PIC time and the experience that brings. You get nervous when I key up? If you think we cant estimate your hours, pretty accurately when you key up, and pray you’re going anywhere we’re not, you’re...
  16. Joepilotmsp

    My review - IFR6 and IFLYIFR

    Wow! Never heard of that crew. Did mine the old fashioned way and it did seem to take forever. I don’t feel I was ever scammed or taken advantage of. Ifr has way to much at stake for some pump and dump learning experience. Just my opinion. Your mileage may vary.
  17. Joepilotmsp

    Inadvertent ice encounter

    I don’t think you have anything to worry about. Good job by the way.
  18. Joepilotmsp

    FAA FOIA request pilot enforcement records

    I can tell you from personal experience, some people have no problem using law enforcement to try and settle the most petty gripes. From embellishment of perceived wrongs to flat out lying. The desire for revenge is a strong motivator. I may be wrong, but the OP strikes me as the type. I’d...
  19. Joepilotmsp

    Two bizjets go bump in Houston

    Omg! My ex and I went to the same high school. Next reunion I’m having this song dedicated to her! Half the class is going to hate me. So be just like being back in high school