Search results

  1. iamtheari

    Delta knocks tail off other plane on ground

    This instance is the exception that proves the rule. The clearance behind the CRJ that hadn’t pulled all the way to the hold short line was greater than it would be if the CRJ had done so. After the incident, that is. Before the incident, your statement is unassailable.
  2. iamtheari

    Egregious FBO charges

    In this case, there was no published landing fee. Just a greedy FBO.
  3. iamtheari

    Egregious FBO charges

    That must have been at KXWA. The FBO at KISN was, I think, #2 on AOPA’s watchlist for exorbitant fees. They would send you a bill for doing a touch and go. Sometimes, things can get better.
  4. iamtheari

    Talk Me Out of a Cirrus

    Everyone, all the time: It's impossible to get insured as a new multi pilot! Actual insurance companies: It's a fairly common plane, it only has 6 seats, and it's not pressurized. Here's something totally reasonable and achievable. Why didn't you ask earlier? I don't remember what my insurance...
  5. iamtheari

    Talk Me Out of a Cirrus

    That's not too bad of a requirement for the MEI. We have a pair of weather modification Senecas parked on the ramp right now. Their season just ended and I bet at least one of their pilots is an MEI with 50+ hours of Seneca time and a McDonalds uniform that got too baggy over the summer to go...
  6. iamtheari

    the "not worthy of it's own thread" thread

    I had to fly Allegiant on Friday. I paid extra to get an exit row aisle seat. Nobody paid extra for the exit row middle or window seats. The other side of the plane was similarly occupied. There's already a tremendous amount of pressure on me in all areas of my life, and I really don't like that...
  7. iamtheari

    EAA getting sued

    I asked if anyone has a copy of the pleadings in the lawsuit you posted about. I think those would be rather useful in the discussion. I also generally think it's useful for people involved in a discussion to know the basis of opinions presented as authoritative in that discussion. I don't...
  8. iamtheari

    EAA getting sued

    That’s another non sequitur. Even if you personally ran every such event all on your lonesome, got sued every time for the people who died at all your events, and personally led the legal team that defended you from those lawsuits, it still wouldn’t necessarily follow that you know what you are...
  9. iamtheari

    Talk Me Out of a Cirrus

    Almost as bad as a PA-32, right? 8)
  10. iamtheari

    EAA getting sued

    "I have been involved in X and therefore I am an authoritative expert on X" is as much a non sequitur as the Holiday Inn Express ads, even if X were limited to a specific type of lawsuit as opposed to the universe of all lawsuits. Your discussion of this topic appears to lie squarely on the...
  11. iamtheari

    the "not worthy of it's own thread" thread

    I participated as a juror in a lab (mock) trial about half an lifetime ago. The experiment theme was accessibility. Some fellow jurors were deaf and relied on a realtime court reporter for testimony and deliberations. One attorney was paraplegic and used a modified Segway to get around the...
  12. iamtheari

    the "not worthy of it's own thread" thread

    It’s a different form of shorthand than the written form. I haven’t heard it but I have seen it done. Many courts have changed to just recording multitrack audio and transcribing from that when needed. Lots of different strokes available for this mission.
  13. iamtheari

    There are 101 public airports in Illinois...

    Congratulations. I finished up the North Dakota public airports (we have 89, quite the discount from your 101) in October 2021. I think my only major post here about it was the two-day Cub road trip I did to hit all the distant grass strips without a bunch of out-and-back hours. It's fun looking...
  14. iamtheari

    the "not worthy of it's own thread" thread

    It's okay, we all make mistakes.
  15. iamtheari

    Rock solid

    Aha! So that’s how you get a Navomatic to work!
  16. iamtheari

    Tailwheel time...does it matter what its in?

    That’s no joke. One of my most memorable attempted cross country flights was in a Champ. I took off, climbed to my cruising altitude, and spent some time calculating if I would get to my next stop before sunset. (The plane was legal to fly at night but I don’t like night flight without a gyro...
  17. iamtheari

    Helo with Iranian President hits side of mountain

    Historically, that hasn’t stopped them.
  18. iamtheari

    Triple 4, double charlie - does it annoy you?

    Is he asking “any traffic in the area, please advise” at the end of every single call in the pattern all the way to announcing which tie-down he has parked at? I’ve heard that. Call signs don’t bother me so much. But if I were a controller and heard someone checking in as “123 Fox,” I’d start...
  19. iamtheari

    Talk Me Out of a Cirrus

    The 310R post you replied to isn’t a turbo. The turbo twin Cessnas have their own maintenance challenges on top of all the normal twin Cessna shenanigans. But I am curious how these planes all compare. I can say that the Seneca and 310 people I know all love their planes.
  20. iamtheari

    Altitudes: GPS vs Pressure

    That’s a question of precision, not accuracy. :)