Search results

  1. B

    PA28/32 Wing Spar AD - Show me the data!

    If I didn’t miss it, did you have an opportunity to look at the various parameters available and see if there were better predictors than factored service hours? It seems likely to me that there was probably some work stream to take the failures they were seeing and develop some service or...
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    Instrument approach: horrible energy management before flare

    I have middle aged eyes that mostly still work fine, but I had to be more deliberate about the visual transition to get my focus up and well down the runway. do you add a 2nd notch when you "break out"? Even if you flew right into the roundout at 90knots, why are you touching down too fast? I...
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    Logitech G PRO Flight Yoke System......Junk

    I ran into the exact same thing, Logitech + Xplane and was left feeling like it wasn't common enough knowledge the setup, for hand flying approaches, is totally unusable (Is this hyperbole? It feels true). I did the Leo Bodnar board swap into the yoke, which helped a bit in roll, but it has...
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    Airventure Arrival Practice

    and then be prepared for the person in front of you to wonder out over the lake and leave you no choice but to follow them because you can't (shouldnt?) turn inside of them...
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    Best Way to Ship PA28 Seats Across Country

    I had a VW engine shipped from Washington to Iowa using Amtrak It has a lot of limitations, but the service was available to me, so I used it.
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    Resume Building Jobs

    While I'm not a pilot, this hasn't been my experience in the workforce at all. Network and never assume someone else understands the work you've done to deliver or do any specific thing. It's not always/almost never obvious to the outside.
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    Day trips after arrival

    Thanks. I’d be in ga camping unless I buy a plane before then, not sure how I’d convince them to get back to my spot or would I need to tear down and start Over?
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    Day trips after arrival

    If I fly in to the event, how feasible or sensible is it to leave and plan to come back? As in, if I flew in, set up camp, stayed a day or two, is a day trip to go pick up family and bring them in at all feasible? I can see it working from KFLD perhaps, and maybe a person can get out of KOSH...
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    Pre Buy Inspection - Who generally pays for moving the plane?

    Everything is negotiable. Ask for what you want. Be prepared for a counter offer. I will say, relocation involves risk and it’s in neither parties interest to assume it in this case.
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    Oshkosh 2024 - Who's going?

    Which days won't have the required thunderstorms? :D Got a new tent after last year killed my 25 year old Eureka.
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    Forgetting to switch tanks

    I bet someone else has forgotten or the G3X in the PA28 I last flew in wouldn't have a GIANT POP UP that said "Change Tanks now" Your question might morph from "What trendy safe sport can I take up that won't be as likely to kill me?" to "What processes can I put into place that turn switching...
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    How accurate are garmin avionics?

    *laugh* Former engineering teaching assistant - this is specifically one of the points taught in the experimental engineering class I taught in. Not much of an argument in my class. You either knew it or you went into sales :D
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    The amazing cryogenic JPI EDM 930

    as for point 2- All the signals could be biased by whatever method they're using to handle the cold junction compensation. This to me is far more probable than a grounding issue. The...
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    Training has stalled. Advice sought. What would you do in my position?

    Are you able to safety pilot for anyone where you are? It has it's uses, although I learned the hard way to not fly with anyone that was just trying to get out of learning with a CFII.
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    Training has stalled. Advice sought. What would you do in my position?

    If you have the cash flow, it seems like you could start some of the required dual for commercial now. I will say I thought flying recreationally to places I wanted to go taught me more than an equally low time cfi building time for their atp was going to teach me, but maybe it’s heresy to say that…
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    Training has stalled. Advice sought. What would you do in my position?

    We have a very active club on field, and *had*, at another FBO, the ability to do TW work. Very few people did this - and I think you're own story highlights it- because the endorsement is not part of the time building track. I don't fully understand the price sensitivity to time building, but...
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    fltplan go

    While I can't speak to how feasible it is for an employer supplied situation, the Foreflight license is good for multiple devices. Fltpln Go includes georeferenced approach plates, something the folks at Boeing are charging extra for on top of the base FF subscription.
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    So I just bought a crate of Liquid Death

    I had glanced through the rules- weren't the post cards required to be handwritten?
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    If you own a truck and live in the rust belt.

    Body on my 16 F150 is fine. Spots of surface rust on the steel frame underneath. Got tired of watching all my vehicles disappear from the rockers up, so I waited for the 2nd year of aluminum bodies and 150k later, no regrets. My 2005 Saabaru has lost substantial chunks of metal to the rust...
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    How accurate are garmin avionics?

    So basically once it gets some g force pointing in the same direction on its accelerometers long enough, it resets its attitude calculation errors…