Search results

  1. tlglenn


    At the 90 degree point you should be noting the relationship between the nose and the horizon. Keep looking outside to maintain that same pitch attitude for the second half of the maneuver. You'll be applying more and more back pressure as your airspeed decays. Don't start staring at the AI to...
  2. tlglenn

    Skyhawk in Navajo country

    Oops, I meant to refer to the old tower, not the new tower, although you understood it anyways. Are you looking to buy a 182? Is it 87F?
  3. tlglenn

    Skyhawk in Navajo country

    I'm in a flying club based between Atlantic and the tower.
  4. tlglenn

    Pilots N Paws Midland TX to Las Cruces NM Needed

    All legs are covered for the upcoming weekend (Jan 6 or 7) except one:
  5. tlglenn

    Aztec crash in Knoxville

    I know the owner has been trying to sell it for several years. It looks like it'll cost a lot to get it airworthy again. I wouldn't be surprised to find animals living inside it. And there's probably corrosion in the cylinders.
  6. tlglenn

    Aztec crash in Knoxville

    I know where you can get one for only $5,000. It's been sitting in the same spot for several years.
  7. tlglenn

    life insurance for pilots - worth it?

    With no aviation exclusion?
  8. tlglenn

    life insurance for pilots - worth it?

    Before I turned 40 I bought a $150,000 term life policy from Farmers for $208 per year for ten years. That includes an extra $12 per year to avoid the aviation exclusion. They did send a nurse to my house to check my vitals, collect urine, and draw blood. They also wanted to know about my...
  9. tlglenn

    New Guy in Arizona

    Payson or Sedona for the view or food. Eloy for spectating. Lake Havasu for a brewery overnight.
  10. tlglenn

    New Guy in Arizona

    As much as I'd like to suggest Tucson and a visit to the air and space museum it's probably better to do an initial fly-in in the Phoenix area since it's more central and we want to encourage a large group of initial participants.
  11. tlglenn

    New Guy in Arizona

    Might be time for a PoA AZ fly-in. Just because.
  12. tlglenn

    Logging Instrument Time

    It's relevant for the safety pilot since that determines if he or she is logging PIC or SIC time. In the case of the OP the safety pilot has to act as PIC under IFR so would be logging PIC time when allowed to log flight time.
  13. tlglenn

    Pre-Buy Inspection in AZ

    I emailed some mechanics I know. I'll let you know if any are interested.
  14. tlglenn

    CFI Liability Insurance

    Make sure your policy covers you even when you're not in the aircraft e.g. you sign off a student pilot to solo who then crashes into a house and the homeowners sue you. Some cheaper policies will only cover accidents that occur with you on board.
  15. tlglenn

    Blank email from Jeppesen

    I get Jepp emails that look blank, but then I look at the raw source and see HTML that wasn't rendered properly.
  16. tlglenn


    Penn and Teller at the Rio.
  17. tlglenn

    Skyhawk in Navajo country

    I've flown Tucson to Eugene a few times. Usually go over Blythe and then either through or around the L.A. basin. Then north through Bakersfield, Fresno, Sacramento, etc. I'm not worried about MOAs or restricted areas messing up my plans. But, I usually fly at 10000-12000 feet for this route.
  18. tlglenn

    Another PPL charging question

    That's probably okay as you didn't make the flight with the intent to obtain compensation from it, but you could ask for an interpretation from the FAA :)
  19. tlglenn

    Another PPL charging question

    The 1995 interpretation no longer seems to be the controlling interpretation. See the 2010 Perry interpretation:
  20. tlglenn

    Another PPL charging question

    The flying is not incidental to the business of aerial photography. The flying is inherently part of the business. A commercial rating is required.