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  1. bbchien

    childhood adhd

    If you historically get your meds from CVS your write CVS If you hisotrically get them from walgreeens, you write walgreens If you get them from a pharmacy benfit mangaer you wrote to that pharmacy benefit manager.... if you get them from the get your VAH Rx record........ if....I...
  2. bbchien

    childhood adhd

    If you qual. for fast track the psychologist does not have to be a HIMS!
  3. bbchien

    New FAA Color Vision Flow Chart

    OMG they changed that since the Dec 5 grand rounds! That's GOOD. B
  4. bbchien

    New FAA Color Vision Flow Chart

    Correct. For a upgrade you need to pass the Computer color test stds.
  5. bbchien

    Life Goals

    My comment would be that if your wife of many years isn't supportive of your dreams, in this the 4th quarter....where there is no guarantee of overtime...sigh.
  6. bbchien

    More Change at FAA medical

    The postponement notice cited that they hadn't effectively gotten the word out to the AMEs......
  7. bbchien

    False DUI Arrests and the FAA

    I have always thought that LEOs, need state licensure boards. Heck I've put up with that for more than 40 years....
  8. bbchien

    More Change at FAA medical

    Well, heck, Sec'y Pena's commentary was "We will tolerate no accidents".
  9. bbchien

    Special issuance going to Medical early

    So if it's not a HIMS situation, take your documentation and your letter to ANY AME in November and get reissued to . Sound's like your AME is "not at the head of the pack". B
  10. bbchien

    Special Issuance Timing - FAA Limitations

    It's from the date of the AME exam. But the two month issuance is easy-peasy. You get a BASIC, and then as you are continouing even after application with teh drug testing, you reapply for your renewal. Most HIMS authorizations contain AME auth in the field to reissue you. PS if it's been a...
  11. bbchien

    Getting back in the saddle ("current," just not current)

    WORK! GET to WORK.
  12. bbchien

    Transition from Class III Special Issuance to Basic Med

    phoenix2fly- you CAN send in such a letter but I view it as everytime the FAA touches the file they have an opportunity to muck it up. I'd not do so. Or, even more strongly, "why would I do a thing like that?" Brad is your friendly FAA ops guy. He has no idea how badly messed up medical...
  13. bbchien

    Special issuance going to Medical early

    You sure can take it in November. The real question however, is, "is this an AASI" (see letters at the top of the letter). If not, the have you gottent the federal reapproval auth letter yet?, or is your SI an "RS24" type in wich it sez the AME can reisuse you through Dec 2025 and send in the...
  14. bbchien

    FAA medical omission

    AAM 300 Box 25082 Oklahoma City, OK 73125
  15. bbchien

    More Change at FAA medical

    Wrong person. Send to Sec Trans.
  16. bbchien

    Does the FAA care about photosensitivity/photophobia?

    To actaully give "advice that sticks" I'd have to read the file but it sounds like NOT. Discuss with your AME!
  17. bbchien

    Quick Question about the Anxiety and Depression Changes from June

    Company will want a new medical for your return to service. If you have not been on meds, we need the supporting data for the diagnosis and the notes, a two year pharmacy report from your prescriptionvendor helps. It I am reading you corrctly I think you Can be issued in the office. Turn on...
  18. bbchien

    Kidney donation

    Brad if you do this it will be a certification yawn. All FAA will wantis your 30 day after donation serum Creatinine, the operative note and it'llb e isuseed in the office.
  19. bbchien

    Aviation... and DWI right at the beginning of my journey.

    'tude. 90% is attitude. B
  20. bbchien

    More Change at FAA medical

    .....or, "risk" vs "occurrence". The AME guide is up to 800+ pages. A lot of the examiners have just "given up". The list of change orders is mind numbing.