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  1. D

    Spreading Ashes

    Never done it but have read numerous threads on this topic. Best one seemed to be to run a length of garden hose out the window and use the pressure differential to vacuum out the ashes. Highly recommended to duct tape the horizontal stabilizer leading edge as the ashes are highly abrasive...
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    Hershey Bar Cherokee sinks faster than Archer...

    When I was a student way back in the day, I was never able to make consistently nice landings in the Cherokee 140. Then the FBO brought in the "new" Warrior with the tapered wings. It was night and day. Looking back on that experience, I think the Cherokee (Hershey bar) was very sensitive to...
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    dual pic and under the hood (simulated instrument)

    The question was, "can I log PIC while I am under the hood". Yes.
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    GAMI G100UL STC available now

    My concern exactly: the fragmentation of the fuel market with G100UL, Swift fuel and its STC, and whatever comes out of EAGLE. I wonder why GAMI didn't pursue getting their revenue from licensing the fuel producers. Others could do the same, it would be much easier to police, and the market...
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    Is rotation closer to Vx, than Vr necessarily a bad idea?

    I generally agree with "rotating" at POH recommended speeds. One exception, IMO, is high density altitude, where the reserve power needed to climb is less. Then, I like to be closer to Vx to ensure I have the ability to climb out of ground effect.
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    Oshkosh Info for a Newbie

    Parking availability increases on Wednesday as some who arrived on Sat/Sun leave.
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    Aviation periodicals

    IFR and here's a lonely vote for AOPA Pilot.
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    Hershey bar wings and landing

    As a student pilot many years ago, I was learning in a Cherokee 140 and always found consistently good landing elusive. The FBO got a new Warrior with the tapered wings and it was night and day. My theory, thinking about it, was that the lift coefficient of the Hershey bar wing was very...
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    How much weight do you give Convective SIGMETs?

    The OP's dilemma was the return flight later in the day. Outbound, no problem: look at radar and the METARs and make an easy go/no go decision. The problem was later in the day and the strong need to make the return flight. Good decision to scrub.
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    Choosing a "public benefit" flying organization

    Several posters have correctly taken exception to this. Let me rephrase. The combination of the $10k state and property tax deduction limit along with the greatly expanded standard deduction have made the standard deduction the more attractive way for me to file. YMMV, but I don't have enough...
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    Choosing a "public benefit" flying organization

    I've flown 50+ Angel Flight missions over a number of years and have never felt the system was being abused. A couple of CASA flights, but 90% of the rest were cancer patients and most were going to MD Anderson in Houston. MDA is a world-renowned cancer center doing cutting edge treatments...
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    100LL Debacle

    That's my concern: that you will need more than one STC, plus whatever licensing arrangement may come out of EAGLE.
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    100LL Debacle

    So, an STC is required to legally use G100. Swift is also pursuing the STC route. Then there are the EAGLE participants, operating under some other licensing arrangement. Assuming there are eventually multiple approved fuels competing in the marketplace, sounds like chaos. Is there a plan?
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    182 Transition

    Nowadays, a checkout isn't just about flying the airplane. Become very familiar with the avionics as part of your checkout.
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    How to rid my hangar from swallows?

    I've found wasp spray to be effective in keeping them away. Use the kind that jets up to 20 feet and spray it on the areas where they roost (not on the birds themselves!). They don't like it.
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    Splitting flight time.

    Be careful. DPEs can be pedantic when OP goes for the instrument rating.
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    Are you on Facebook? There probably is a local pilot's group that could offer help finding a school or instructor.
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    Getting some tailwheel

    Nuttin wrong with that one.
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    How can a pilot "forget" to put down gear in C510?

    I wonder if modern headsets contribute to ignoring (not hearing) an aural warning.
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    USAA Driving App

    When I joined years ago, USAA was for active and former military officers and their immediate families. Now it's for anyone who has almost any familial connection to the military. The idea at one time was that officers and their immediate families were a favorable risk group. If true, that...