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  1. Justin Brady

    Reno Air Race Crash

    Welcome to California.....
  2. Justin Brady

    Reno Air Race Crash

    I agree it's pointless. But so is every type of racing is it not? Seems like a ton of fun, like all racing.
  3. Justin Brady

    Man up or not?

    Not off base. I did half of my instrument in a rental then bought my Beech, I definitely feel like I went backward on instrument proficiency just because everything is different from a 172 to a bonanza. That being said its not that hard of a transition just a few more hours of reorienting...
  4. Justin Brady

    Fly In Camping in the Southeast

    It's on the list but probably not going to make it this year, looking for something a little closer to home preferably
  5. Justin Brady

    Fly In Camping in the Southeast

    Should be easy to make some good recommendations then yeah? :D
  6. Justin Brady

    Fly In Camping in the Southeast

    Fair point sir! Dead center.
  7. Justin Brady

    Man up or not?

    I think that's the norm. Spending 4 hours at $100+ per hour removing and installing screws, seats, interior panels etc is easy money, not sure why an A&P would let someone else do that part if they aren't 100% booked up. Doesn't make financial sense.
  8. Justin Brady

    Combined Private pilot/instrument

    Ah well I couldn't have done it anyway. I'll tell you what though I'm pretty sure my 17yr old fresh brain would have been better at absorbing all the info :D
  9. Justin Brady

    Fly In Camping in the Southeast

    Anybody have any cool recommendations within ~500nm of TN? Flying a Debonair so nothing super short but grass is fine. I've never done any Plane Camping, would love to give it a go without flying out twest where it seems all the cool backcountry camping is. Would prefer just an isolated...
  10. Justin Brady

    Man up or not?

    Just another thing to be aware of, not all A&Ps will let you do any of the work. If they are super busy and cant fit anything else into their schedule they are inclined to let you take stuff apart etc, but if not you're literally just taking money out of their pockets by doing the work yourself...
  11. Justin Brady

    Combined Private pilot/instrument

    I wish I had known about it then, I was in that boat. Ready for checkride before I was 16, just flying around staying current until 17. Wish my instructor had just said 'why don't we just start on instrument?" Here we are 20 years later working on instrument lol
  12. Justin Brady

    Man up or not?

    I'm in a similar situation and I decided to buy. I don't like renting and never seemed to be able to get the time I wanted and overnight (or longer) in a rental gets stupid expensive very quickly. Now I can go fly any time I want which is awesome. That being said, given the choice I would buy...
  13. Justin Brady

    900+ hours and still learning basic stuff

    In a 150 with 40 degree flaps you can basically fly in vertically with the nose pointing directly at the ground and still come in below 50 knots ;D I agree though it works really well in a plane with big flaps and not too slippery. Add a slip in there at the same time if you want to make your...
  14. Justin Brady

    Midair Boulder, CO

    Fair enough, I use it more for pattern entry than I do while actually flying the pattern. I will agree that trying to turn base while looking at your iPad is a bad idea :)
  15. Justin Brady

    Midair Boulder, CO

    I see this comment so often and I have to categorically disagree. Do you have and use ADSB? I fly looking outside the windows in VMC, that doesn't mean I don't have time to check my altitude, my airspeed, ADSB, gear position etc. It's a part of flying the plane. Keep your head up looking for...
  16. Justin Brady

    Another post about how awesome it is to be instrument rated..

    Appreciate the report! I too am currently slogging through the IFR training, bought a new plane so now I feel like I'm 5 steps back (new panel, new scan, different flight characteristics, faster etc) I apologized to my instructor after my first flight under the hood in the new plane it felt so...
  17. Justin Brady

    Nicotine addicts

    No I'm not, not my business nor do I care if they want to smoke. OP is their CFI not their life coach. I'm suggesting a way to intake some nicotine so they can remain a functional human while trying to learn to fly a plane haha. I've seen people really in a bind while jonesing for a ciggarette...
  18. Justin Brady

    Nicotine addicts

    Wow this thread haha. I'm not a smoker and never have been but all the "this guys not pilot material if he smokes" is some total nonsense. "he probably can't pass a medical with all that devil smoke in him" seriously? Seems more attitude problem than anything else. Tell him to buy some...
  19. Justin Brady

    Private and commercial pilot training in EXPERIMENTAL C172

    What's wrong with trying to gather interest in their project? Seems cool to me. And auto engines are many decades ahead of ga engines. Most ga engines haven't changed since the 50s. I don't see what all the fuss is about or why anyone has a problem with people trying to bring some innovation...
  20. Justin Brady

    Registration Number They have a contact form Looks like they own most every available 2 and 3 digit number :mad: