Search results

  1. imwithtuxedo

    Cessna 177RG Cardinal

    I wouldn't fly in a 1968- 150hp Cardinal with four people unless it was a 5000' paved runway with no obstructions, even then I'd probably pass.
  2. imwithtuxedo

    Garmin 430 WAAS upgrade- what is actually done to the unit?

    Had a 430 upgraded to WAAS last fall and now the unit is bench testing with 3 degrees of error in the OBS and its transmitting frequency is over 700 Hertz, (632 Hertz maximum) According to Garmin a WAAS upgrade includes the following: Brings WAAS-level GPS Capability to Older GNS™ 430/530...
  3. imwithtuxedo

    Cessna 177RG Cardinal

    I've seriously considered a Cardinal RG. Especially since you could find one with a run out engine and put a brand new Lycoming IO-390 in there.
  4. imwithtuxedo

    Checkrides cost how much? Really?

    I also had a multi-month wait for my PPL. Spoke with three different DPEs in Oklahoma and couldn't get them to even give me a date or date range for my exam. I even had my CFI call. They literally wouldn't call me back with a date, give me timeframe of when their schedule would be more open...
  5. imwithtuxedo

    Checkrides cost how much? Really?

    I paid $400 this year for PP checkride in Oklahoma.
  6. imwithtuxedo

    Failure to take off.

    Not always. Not to get lawyery but the actual cash value, market value, or fair market value (depends on policy and state) of your plane will vary widely and be determined differently by each insurance company. It is highly unlikely that you would receive enough money to buy an exact...
  7. imwithtuxedo

    Failure to take off.

    Your own first-party insurance will not pay for diminution in value to your plane/car/boat if you wreck it, have a fire/hail claim, or damage it somehow by leaving the tow bar attached... Now, if someone else damages your plane/car/boat you can recover diminution in value if your state allows...
  8. imwithtuxedo

    Dynon HDX in 1956 182

    Lighten up Francis. His signature line clearly shows he's an avionics shop. He's not "selling his wares" he's detailing the installation process so people like myself who want to buy fancy gadgets we don't need but instead desperately want. If you want to hand fly your steam gauges more power to...
  9. imwithtuxedo

    Which of the POA DUO got chased by F16?

    The comments are funny, but mostly scary that people think that way. Also, never read the comments on a news story website. Never ever.
  10. imwithtuxedo

    Do they teach correct patterns any more?

    Or he could have just throttled back 5 miles earlier and avoided the whole situation. But that doesn't fit your narrative.
  11. imwithtuxedo

    Do they teach correct patterns any more?

    I understand what you're saying, but my thoughts on the subject are (looking back) that the twin pilot didn't take into consideration that there was already traffic in the pattern that was going to land prior to him. He wanted me to accommodate him by making his calls immediately after me and...
  12. imwithtuxedo

    Do they teach correct patterns any more?

    Actually, I didn't "cut" in front of anyone. I was lower and in the pattern announcing my intentions. He piped up and then tried to cut in front of me. If there's traffic announcing in the established pattern you don't get to just announce a straight in approach and make everyone else...
  13. imwithtuxedo

    Do they teach correct patterns any more?

    When I was a student pilot flying a Cherokee 140 (uncontrolled airport) with my instructor I called out 3 miles out, on the 45, and then left downwind and this big twin called out 5 mile straight in final right after I announce downwind. I then turn and call out and announce left base and right...
  14. imwithtuxedo

    Partnership dispute. Legal advice

    Any contract lawyer or general practice lawyer can examine the contract and hear your side of the story (facts) and determine whether you have a case to Petition the Court for a forced sale or possession of the aircraft. Just because it's an airplane doesn't mean it's complicated. The plane is...
  15. imwithtuxedo

    Zombie Apocalypse Survival: Fuel From The 100LL Pump

    HIs wife might need the practice.
  16. imwithtuxedo


    Flightaware shows registration in Stephenville, Texas since 2010 to a Kenneth R. Jackson and flights in Florida in 2018. This guy has been flying around with an expired student license and expired medical since 2015:
  17. imwithtuxedo


    Student pilot certificates issued after 4/1/2016 don't expire. Maybe his medical was out? Anyway, he's got a long road ahead if any in getting his private pilot certificate now...
  18. imwithtuxedo

    High amp draw question.

    The majority of the shunt is circled up behind the side panel. I assumed it was grounded because when I wiggled the exposed part the amps dropped. Of course my mechanic won't ground the new shunt wire if the old one wasn't/isn't when we pull the panel at annual.
  19. imwithtuxedo

    High amp draw question.

    So I got out to the plane today and did some checks. Cleaned and tightened all my solenoid, resistor and battery ground connections. Cigarette lighter was showing 12.4 V with engine off and 13.7 v with engine running at idle. Found the #6 AWG shunt wire running from the ammeter which was...
  20. imwithtuxedo

    High amp draw question.

    I generally only pull 15-20 amps with everything on. I'm now pulling 35+ amps.