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  1. Terry

    Basic Med and PTSD

    Mr. Jim, Called AOPA and I am good to stay with Basic Med. Thanks for your input. Terry
  2. Terry

    Basic Med and PTSD

    Looks like I will be good to go with Basic Med. However, I will make sure before I return to flying. My Primary Doctor was a flight surgeon in Alaska. Thanks Everyone. Terry
  3. Terry

    Basic Med and PTSD

    1. I was originally flying with a 3rd class Medical, on last renewal, went to Basic Med to offset medical cost. 2. At no time has my Medical Certificate been cancelled or suspended. 3. Received Basic Med and Certification. 4. Was taking BFR and performed poorly enough that my CFI said I needed...
  4. Terry

    Basic Med and PTSD

    Thank you. I made just go back to a 3rd class medical and go through my AME and that way, I am sure and confident that I will not get myself in trouble. I am glad I asked now and appreciate you answering.
  5. Terry

    Basic Med and PTSD

    No. My Basic Med expired 10/29/2022
  6. Terry

    Basic Med and PTSD

    Hl All, My Pilot Buddy called the other day and is going to take the Basic Med route and wanted to know if I would join him. I am currently on 80% disability from the VA. Originally, I was receiving disability for Parkinson's disease. (30%) Due to sleep disorder, I was re-evaluated with the...
  7. Terry

    KHYS TO KLAW, Flight Plan

    Is that a restricted area just west of FLECH? I sent an email to Team Foreflight for clarification. Will let you know what they reply. Terry
  8. Terry

    KHYS TO KLAW, Flight Plan

    Hi All, I am planning on flying from Hays, Kansas to Lawton, Oklahoma on December 7, 2019. I opened my Foreflight app and discovered a lot of "Restricted Air spaces" around KLAW. So, I planned as follows: "KHYS KCHK NEADS FLECH FOYER KLAW" This takes me around the restricted areas except...
  9. Terry

    1st flight since May 31, 2015

    Well, got medical cleared and passed. Weather cooperated and I took a few pictures for everyone. The jet is the airline for Hays, KS, KHYS, and by the time I took off he was gone. Wind was 14 mph at 350*. Runway was 34. The view out the front is Cedar Bluffs Reservoir. My CFI said I did...
  10. Terry

    NA- This is my cat...

    It is hard to even get her to chase the laser. :D
  11. Terry

    NA- This is my cat...

    This was my daughter's cat. Our daughter hasn't lived with us for a long time. Her name is "Baby." Baby has lived with us for over 10 years. She is "lightning fast", but not right now. :)
  12. Terry

    John Travolta and his Boeing 727

    I just don't think it would be much fun to be behind the airplane every time you went up to fly. I would think that realistic flying a plane that big would require flying every few days. He may be rated for the plane, he may be a pilot, but I don't think I would go up with him. I have an...
  13. Terry

    Do planes have one wing or two?

    That is one pretty picture. It is "Fixed Wing" so all I need now is a High Performance and Complex endorsement. :)
  14. Terry

    Do planes have one wing or two?

    Well excuse me. :rolleyes: Terry :)
  15. Terry

    The Right Way to Get a Weather Briefing

    They always record your Weather Briefings. Would this show up somewhere that you actually obtained a Weather Briefing?
  16. Terry

    Do planes have one wing or two?

    They have a "Set of Wings." o_O Unless it is a powered parachute or helicopter. Who and what kind of person thinks this stuff up? :dunno:
  17. Terry

    Not Everything Is Flat In Iowa

    WOW!, You can say that again. :happydance: Definitely you can see the "pistol of Florida hidden in the image." Gives new definition to concealed carry. :needpics:
  18. Terry

    Not Everything Is Flat In Iowa

    I can see why your Avatar has you behind bars. ;) Terry
  19. Terry

    Pilot Information

    With 720 posts, I think I am going to have a long, long, "Line Up and Wait." :) Terry
  20. Terry


    No offense taken. I am just glad to be able to fly again. Terry