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  1. H

    Why do many (most?) notable pilots have mustache?

    provides a better fit for the emergency oxygen mask !
  2. H

    PIREPS on Avemco?

    overall they suck ,however in some states/locations there rates are lower.they have a huge problem with high rates in Florida . and don't give rate reduction for experience and good loss experience and fortress strong hangars. and they are a direct writer and cant shop around like a broker...
  3. H

    Liability, insurance, owner maintenance

    no log entry ,NO liability.
  4. H

    Want To Buy Cheap Aviation Headset (Wanted)

    op im me I have 1 I can send you I will even pay the shipping.just siting in a box in the hangar .
  5. H

    [N/A] Painting the Cobra Frame

    Awlgrip urethane primer and top coat
  6. H

    Sporty's In Store Purchase Fiasco

    they screwed me also.hal sheavers is a wise guy and trains there staff to be unyielding an curt.its all in the company dna . I stopped doing business with them 20 years ago . almost everything they sell is is now available on amazon f...,sportys.
  7. H

    CBT for social anxiety?

    i am glad this thread is not what I first thought it might be;)
  8. H

    GA pilot decline

    something wrong with info 37 years times 10,000 per = 370,000. 300k-370k=-70k
  9. H

    Nose wheel vibration......advice urgently needed please

    if it started with the new tire it could be everything stated above but not the shimmy damp.i would guess the tire is bad ,out of balance or the installer broke the rim or the bearing cup. or did not tighten the axel nut properly or reused the tube . take to someone else to fix and bill the...
  10. H

    Cirrus 10K to repack

    were is mully these days ,sure he knows more than most on this subject
  11. H

    Class D airports, "air rights," and noise sensitive neighbors

    tell her not your problem and just because you are a pilot or a member of poa does not make it your problem .tell wife to have crazy mother have better things to do than help /enable human greed .I have seen the destruction of many airports by nimby people over many years there motives...
  12. H

    For Sale 1996 Aviat Husky for sale

    explain 5k annual
  13. H

    Pre-buy inspections

    kick his ass till he cries
  14. H

    Hangar Access

    I always changed the lock after they thought /knew they had one that worked. this happened once every 5 years or so. some how I always forgot to give them the new key when those unreliable locks kept failing!
  15. H

    Is it possible to flap in a slip?

    I would not reconfigure a aircraft while in a hard slip .I would however loose the slip,apply flaps as I require and than add slip back in.i am assuming you are in a landing mode and very close to the ground.
  16. H

    Slick magneto problems ?

    every time I had a early failure with a slick mag it was failures of the p lead to the cap due to over tightening the p lead nut. when slick says 12 inch lbs they mean it. Over tight pulls on the lug and grounds out the capacitor ,sometimes it is a intermittent .
  17. H

    Hats off to you experienced plane buying people

    Buying a aircraft is just the start of a long expensive journey enjoy the flight. Next comes the hangar,then add on ratings and all the panel upgrades needed to work on said ratings. than comes the buying of a hangar as renting will not feel good. than the hangar improvements ,kegarator,heat...
  18. H

    Unable to achieve full power

    I would look at the carb and all of its attachments and venturi
  19. H

    Digital Tachs - Pireps?

    re the tach everything EI is great they stand by there stuff like no other co in aviation history. I have had both and they both tell yu what you need to know.i would fix my tach cable
  20. H

    Digital Tachs - Pireps?

    jeff, love the placard might steel your fathers idea.first time in 50 years of aviation I have seen that :)