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  1. F

    VFR pilot and ownership

    Lehigh Valley Pa. KABE KXLL N43 and weekends 58M
  2. F

    VFR pilot and ownership

    Need to clarify $260 for a COVERED tie down with electric.
  3. F

    VFR pilot and ownership

    One thing I have learned is buy once and try to get something that will fit future missions, in the end thats cheaper than buying and selling several times.This holds true for boats as well as airplanes IMO.
  4. F

    VFR pilot and ownership

    Hangar rental is about $500 monthly in my area, where I am looking to keep also has covered tie downs with electric for about 260 monthly which may be a good alternative for me.
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    VFR pilot and ownership

    I usually fly a 172 Skyhawk rental, it does not have a cigarette type outlet for charging but that would be easy to add if and when I purchase.
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    VFR pilot and ownership

    Using fore flight with my GPS antenna I put on the dash now works great and is sufficient for what I do, I will probably add the Stratus for enhanced weather awareness. The thing I would like to add is the ability to charge my I Pad and GPS antenna while in flight, portable power or install a...
  7. F

    VFR pilot and ownership

    You are right I got off track responding to posts, I am looking for a shove off the fence to go buy an airplane even if I am VFR only pilot. This is good input I am getting since I never knew there were lots of other VFR only owners out there.
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    VFR pilot and ownership

    I usually fly the rental 172 with I Pad and Fore Flight and it is very much sufficient, but having a GPS is a plus in case I want to get into IFR etc.
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    VFR pilot and ownership

    I would have to have a GPS like a Garmin etc, I have flown G1000 glass and really like traffic not that I would spend the coin on the G1000 but a 430 or better would be in the cards.
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    VFR pilot and ownership

    My situation exactly, I have the time which is one advantage to starting flying later in life.
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    VFR pilot and ownership

    Great input so far thanks.
  12. F

    VFR pilot and ownership

    Looking for some input from my fellow pilots on owning an aircraft without instrument rating. Not looking for advice on wether to get my instrument rating since I am aware of all that and it may or may not happen. I live in the northeast and fly only recreationally with no pressing needs to be...
  13. F

    End of night VFR coming?

    I find it is much easier to spot traffic at night, it does take some getting used to when flying in a dark area without much to reference. During my training I banked too hard turning to base at night facing the mountain ranging my CFI called it to my attention and I had to correct, this left...
  14. F

    Best suburban Philadelphia airport

    Pottstown Heritage field is a nice airport and really easy to find since you can see the cooling towers from far away. Not too busy and outside of Phila airspace. Doylestown is also a good airport but don't know about hangar availability. Wings is really busy with very active flight school.
  15. F

    Help me decide on first airplane

    Very helpful, thanks.
  16. F

    Help me decide on first airplane

    This discussion is useful and I am leaning towards a non glass but with descent avionics version like many of the early 2000's are. I really like my I pad with fore flight and if this is supplemented with a descent GPS moving map and autopilot etc. this is a good fit for my mission. Many of the...
  17. F

    Help me decide on first airplane

    Thank you, the WAAS equipment is great info.
  18. F

    Help me decide on first airplane

    Why do you say the newer ones are pigs? The ones under consideration are early 1998 to 2004 they all have three blades, fuel injection.
  19. F

    Help me decide on first airplane

    Thanks for the replies so far, I am aware of the mechanical differences and would really like fuel injection. For a low time learning pilot will the glass panel add to the safety factor? I realize its up to the pilot to be safe but there are some nice tools like traffic and engine monitoring...
  20. F

    Help me decide on first airplane

    Looking for some input on how much airplane to buy. It will be a Cessna 182, the part I need help with is wether to buy a Q series well equipped and mid time engine for about 75k or spend more for a newer model with fuel injection and better avionics possibly even G1000 ? The mission is...