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  1. Pinecone

    Flying with low/flat strut

    If the strut is flat, any shock to the landing gear leads to metal to metal contact in the strut. And that shock is transmitted to the spar. BAD idea.
  2. Pinecone

    Question about FAR/AIM...

    What are the good apps for FAR and AIM?
  3. Pinecone

    First plane? Archer, Arrow, etc. any recommendations

    Tiger is as fast or faster than an Arrow and fixed pitch and fixed gear. :)
  4. Pinecone

    Starting round engines

    It was fun to fly. :)
  5. Pinecone

    Best way to create and use custom checklists (electronic vs paper)?

    Something like this, But best would be one where emergencies are listed on the first page, one per line, and that points to a tab for that page. Like the airline in the pic.
  6. Pinecone

    Hot starts and engine shut downs

    Thanks. Good to know.
  7. Pinecone

    What is up with fractional jet ownership companies?

    People's Express did not fail. They merged/got bought by Continental. Who merged with United. Eastern did fail, mainly because the employees did not learn from history how Frank Lorenzo operated. There is a graphic showing the timeline of all the US airlines. Very few just die.
  8. Pinecone


    Yeah, you can spend a lot of money to win a case where there are no assets. Makes sense. :D
  9. Pinecone

    Talk Me Out of a Cirrus

    Another kudos for the O2D2. Greatly reduces O2 usage.
  10. Pinecone

    Egregious FBO charges

    Except you DO know the fees at a restaurant. And can leave without incurring any. They do not charge you to walk in the door.
  11. Pinecone


    Huh??? J will be faster than an E. LOTS of aerodynamic clean ups to make the J.
  12. Pinecone

    Hypothetical question for dr bruce

    I would not eat cookies that did not come from a KNOWN safe source. They may contain more than cannabis.
  13. Pinecone

    using Foreflight in a Garmin plane?

    If you put an SD card in the slot, all those (actually several hundred parameters) are saved to the SD card. You only use the auto upload to Garmin that you get with using GP.
  14. Pinecone

    using Foreflight in a Garmin plane?

    Also does not do EIS and data logging with auto upload. But I mainly run FF with my Garmin panel. And mainly only use GP for database updates.
  15. Pinecone

    Question about twin engine design
  16. Pinecone

    Engineer Ted's Hot Start Procedures for Injected Lycomings and Continentals

    Your alternate for Continental is a Flooded Start. It works, but if you over prime, you can have fuel dripping out of the engine and a fire hazard. I used to use this method all the time, but have reconsidered due to the fire risk.
  17. Pinecone

    Self serve fuel pump etiquette

    Do you fly a Cirrus???? :D :D :D :D PUSH the plane out of the way, then do your cockpit stuff.
  18. Pinecone

    Self serve fuel pump etiquette

    Let me guess, it was a Cirrus that did that????
  19. Pinecone

    took my honor flight this evening

    Great idea. I did fly on 9/12. More of a memorial to the day we couldn't fly.
  20. Pinecone

    How much ethanol is too much

    As stated, rubbing alcohol is isopropanol. It is specifically allowed in my plane up to 1% to deal with water contamination. Other models of the same make allow up to 3%. No idea why the difference.