Search results

  1. JimNtexas

    [ForeFlight, GTN750] Crossing radials as part of your clearance

    No, I copied and pasted the given route into the FF web page route box and it plotted it correctly.
  2. JimNtexas

    ModAero, an Ill-Fated Attempt at a New Aviation Event

    On the local central Texas facebook groups the organizers have posted a notice saying the June 2017 Modaero event will be postponed. Better luck in the future guys.
  3. JimNtexas

    Why did TWA Flight 800 explode?

    I do have experience with surface to air missiles. They are basically gigantic shotgun shells. An airplane destroyed by a SAM has hundreds of puncture wounds, and the wreckage will contain lots of various missile parts. Nothing like TWA800 and a lot like MH17 and other airliners shot down by...
  4. JimNtexas

    Class C airport with no maintenance available

    Austin Bergstrom had no GA maintenance for years. We finally have a shop that will work on our little airplanes, but it was a long time coming.
  5. JimNtexas

    Why did TWA Flight 800 explode?

    Certainly engines can fail. But fuel tanks can explode also. So what?
  6. JimNtexas

    Fatal ICON A5 crash

    Let's fly it low and slow, and do steep turns over the lake! It's 100% safe because it has an AOA indicator and a chute! Even though when 'low and slow' the chute is probably out of its envelope, and because the AOA won't ever jump to critical suddenly when you do slow steep turns at low...
  7. JimNtexas

    Scary article alleges substandard airline maintenance
  8. JimNtexas

    Renter's Insurance / Insight / Opinion / Rants / Recomendations?

    I just reviewed our club's policy, which was obtain from Starr insurance. We have the $100K/person liability limit, which sucks big time. That's why I carry AOPA renters liability with it's $1million for non-involved people limit. I'm also a little concerned about this issue: This Policy...
  9. JimNtexas

    Let more banning begin!

    From friends who are airline pilots and some who are cyber security types, the rumors I've put together are: 1) Bad guys could link several laptops together to all explode at once, and perhaps to breach the cockpit door. 2) Bad guys have been able to utilize the stored energy in laptop...
  10. JimNtexas

    Grounded after colonoscopy

    Propofol, wife says I was goofy that afternoon. One hundred percent the next morning.
  11. JimNtexas

    Bought into a 182P

  12. JimNtexas

    Bought into a 182P

    Very sweet ride! And congrats on joining an equity club! This type of club is the best bet for a great man GA pilots. You'll find it far, far, far, better than renting, and far, far, better than most non-equity 'clubs'.
  13. JimNtexas

    [ForeFlight, GTN750] Crossing radials as part of your clearance

    ForeFlight Web version it looks like it plots it correctly. Or am I missing something? If if cut and paste your route into
  14. JimNtexas

    Cirrus v Cessna 400?

    If they put a BRS in the TTX nobody would ever again buy a Cirrus. ;)