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  1. M

    Tracking Expenses for Charity Flights

    I base it on my costs. We have an hourly rate my club charges for use of the aircraft and I keep fuel receipts. I make a remark in my log book it was Angel Flight with mission number. I also keep the invoice the club bills me for the use of the aircraft. And I keep a copy of the Angel Flight...
  2. M

    Heart of Texas Aircraft Engines, anybody ever use them?

    I'm sorry 6PC. I deleted my post a few minutes after making it because had "poster's remorse" about jumping into the argument. But thank you for answering me.
  3. M

    accelerated IFR programs: when do you fly?

    My advice: focus on your private right now and don't worry about the IR yet. There will be time for that later.
  4. M

    Property Taxes on Hangar Rentals

    To the OP. Let me guess. You live in TX. The short answer is yes, they can do this legally. And before someone claims a hangar should qualify as an exemption due to "...a building used primarily for ... aircraft equipment...
  5. M

    So I took to big of a bite...

    Nah. Unless you really did bust the minimum VFR visibility requirements for the airspace you were in (and I don't think you did from the photo), then you did nothing technically wrong anyway. Can't see why a controller would want to talk to you later. But I'm not a controller.
  6. M

    So I took to big of a bite...

    Hi Dimtri. Welcome. And thanks for sharing. This is a great example of how few little things can add up and before you know it, you have a big problem on your hands. Great work in recognizing when you were in over your head and using your training to get out of a dangerous situation. The...
  7. M

    Should new members be able to post in the classifieds before truly becoming "a member?"

    Tim, Consider this. I am a new member by join date and post count. One of my first posts was to the classifieds. However, I had lurked on this board for a little while before joining -- and hopefully had gained from the community knowledge and discussion. The reason I don't post often is two...
  8. M

    Rules of Conduct - New member question

    Yep. I'm your suspect. ;)
  9. M

    First Lesson Tomorrow!

    Some good advice here. If you're anything like me, you will be a couple miles behind the aircraft for a while. Don't let it get to you. Enjoy your time up there and have fun.
  10. M

    Aircraft partnership sought (KGTU, KAUS, KHYI)

    It's been a while for the OP, but if any of y'all are still looking for a club at GTU, with access to both a C172 and a 6 place aircraft (A36), check out my post in the classifieds...
  11. M

    C172M and Bonanza A36 Club membership availability Georgetown, TX

    I am in a 5 person Cessna 172M equal owner TX nonprofit club hangared in GTU. 180HP, IFR certified, 430W, auto-pilot, JPI. All 5 of us get along very well. We are expanding by adding 7 members and purchasing an A36 (also hangared in GTU). 12 members, 2 aircraft. Buy in is $21k / person --...
  12. M

    How to (Safely) Decrease Preflight Time?

    Several people have already touched on this, but I'll add my two cents. It sounds ironic, but to speed up your pre-flight try to slow down a bit. If I'm organized and methodical, I'm effective and quick. If I'm rushing and/or disorganized, it takes me longer. YMMV.
  13. M

    Rules of Conduct - New member question

    Nope, not Henning. This is Fisher.
  14. M

    Rules of Conduct - New member question

    I got the link from the following thread. But I see they've been superceded. PLEASE READ: Rules of Conduct have been updated.
  15. M

    Rules of Conduct - New member question

    Hello pilots, pilot wannabees, and hecklers[0]: This is my first post -- although I've been lurking for about a week because I've been home from work sick and bored. I tried to be a good little new member and read the "Rules of Conduct", but I noticed the link is dead...