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  1. M

    Compass turns

    I've heard about the trick when turning to compass headings where you split up the rose in 10 degree increments with 0 being on 90* and 270*. So if you are turning to 360 from a heading you would undershoot 30 degrees (plus presumably half your rate of turn). While this isn't exact, I suppose it...
  2. M

    Long instrument X/C

    Yeah, i think a big part of the workload management issue has been getting used to the garmin 430, I seem to be fine in basic radio stack / gauges. But the garmin setup just throws me off for some reason. It's too bad that I can't run the garmin 430 on my computer because I have a 64bit...
  3. M

    Long instrument X/C

    I always wondered about that for people who got their instrument rating with little/no actual experience. I am still a student, but the first time I flew in IMC, it definitely freaked me out a little bit. What was the experience like for you?
  4. M

    Long instrument X/C

    Flew my long instrument cross country this past weekend, I live in VA and we had some rainy weather so it ended up being some great experience. We departed Manassas for Norfolk, we were in the clouds at around 900ft agl, and was in fairly solid IMC until we got to about 1200agl on the ILS into...
  5. M

    Instrument knowledge test

    ah...both those explanations make sense. Thank you very much! For some reason in my head, I always think as changes being instant, while in reality there is a gradual change as the airplane equalizes in the new airmass.
  6. M

    Instrument knowledge test

    I'm getting hung up on this question (or variations of this question). When flying a 3 degree glideslope, which conditions would a pilot expect concerning airspeed, pitch attitude and altitude when encountering windshear where a tailwind shears to a calm or headwind? Answer: Pitch Attitude...
  7. M

    Tangier island

    Great information, thanks everyone. I get kind of nervous flying over water like that, does it end up being a relative non factor because of how short the trip is over the open water? Any other precautions that people take other than a PFD? (which I'll have to ask around and see if I can find 2...
  8. M

    Tangier island

    Anyone here have any specific tips of going to Tangier island (TGI)? I'd like to visit, and would fly out of Manassas. Is it reasonable to try and fly there VFR? or is it better to be instrument rated on an IFR flight plan? Any particular equipment you'd bring with for flying over an extended...
  9. M

    Using nexus on Instrument ride?

    I have Garmin pilot on my nexus 7, along with a yoke mount. The airplane I fly doesn't have GPS or DME, and was wondering if it'd be acceptable to have my nexus 7 along for situational awareness in the plane? or do you think the DPE would have a problem with it? I'll probably just have to ask...
  10. M

    Circling missed approach

    When circling to land, does the published missed (which assumes you are doing a straight in approach - doesn't it?) still apply and give you appropriate terrain/obstacle clearance? Say for example the missed approach is a climbing left turn direct to a VOR, but if you circle, and are on final...
  11. M

    Flying in France

    I'll be taking a trip to France in about a month, was wondering if anyone here had any connections in France that they could refer me to? Trying to find a flight school didn't turn up much. I'll be staying in Courtomer, france. Any referrals would be helpful! It'd be great to get up for a bit...
  12. M

    New, New TAA RNAV IAP Design

    what is the HPILPT?
  13. M

    Which airplane for the checkride?

    Makes sense to me, that was the way I was leaning anyways. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't making the check ride way harder than it needed to be by not using a plane with more advanced equipment.
  14. M

    Which airplane for the checkride?

    I'm about 75% through my instrument training, and have been using a combination of the flight simulator and a piper warrior that I rent from the club I am in. I've been going back on forth on which airplane I should use for the actual checkride, since the club plane only has dual vor's and an...
  15. M

    Any Baltimore Locals?

    I sent a private message if you're interested.
  16. M

    Planning an IFR flight

    Understood. Thanks!
  17. M

    Planning an IFR flight

    Maybe such a short flight was a bad example. I can conceptualize using airways to plan, but at what pint would a flight plan stop? How does the process from the last enroute way point to the IAF typically occur?
  18. M

    Planning an IFR flight

    Are there any online resources that you find students grasp onto well? or is it a matter of running through the material in the jeppesen inst/commercial handbook
  19. M

    Planning an IFR flight

    I'm working through my instrument rating now, but am struggling to understand the IFR flight planning process. I fly out of Manassas, VA (KHEF) - so say I wanted to plan a flight from KHEF - KCHO. How do you go about planning a flight like this? The confusing part for me is where the enroute...
  20. M

    When is the right time?

    So...I need some advice. I'm a younger guy (23 years old) and just got my private pilots license 5 months ago. I did a bit of fun flying, and then decided to get started with my instrument rating. I don't really have any dreams of making flying a career, just something for fun and maybe work...