Search results

  1. ColoPilot

    Thinking about a rental property

    What I've seen are landlords who get too focused on the monthly cash flow of their property -- "My mortgage, taxes, and insurance are $1000 and I rent for $1400 so I'm $400/month cash flow positive!". They get into trouble by forgetting about the one-time expenses that will happen with any...
  2. ColoPilot

    Halloween treats?

    Having taken kids trick or treating the last few years, I'd say the standard around here is the "fun" size candy bars. Maybe one house in our neighborhood will give out a full size candy bar. I've never seen anyone give money. When the homeowner recognizes kids from the neighborhood they...
  3. ColoPilot

    20 Years of Sitting: C-182

    I would look at it from a financial standpoint: Add up the purchase price and all the costs to get if flying (engine rebuild, new hoses/tires/rubber, avionics/ADSB upgrades and repairs, and whatever else), and see if you can buy a flying 182 for more or less.
  4. ColoPilot

    Buying into fractional ownership

    Even if everyone in the partnership is best friends and gets along great, I think a well thought-out operating agreement is still important for handling the "what-if" scenarios. Like when someone wants to sell or loses a medical or wants to give their share to their no-good brother-in-law -- an...
  5. ColoPilot

    (N/A) Things that have not gone by the wayside (unfortunately)

    Are you referencing beards, hats, or millenials? :D
  6. ColoPilot

    [NA] Buying a classic car [NA]

    I'm not up on classic mustang prices, but if the car is as good of condition as it sounds the dealer might not haggle. The one classic car purchase I did at a dealer they were firm on price. I offered a little less and he said he would call and ask the car's owner but said the owner wouldn't...
  7. ColoPilot

    How I ended up with a second home in Tennessee

    Are you the neighbor who @wrbix bought the meth from?
  8. ColoPilot

    Is aircraft mechanic a good career field?

    Just a data point, a maintenance technician at United will make from $21/hour to around $50/hour an hour based on seniority, licenses, etc.
  9. ColoPilot

    Car Insurance, who do you have?

    This! I use a broker and they switch us every couple of years. Last carrier we were with was Encompass (Allstate's independent broker line), they started raising their rates so the broker switched us to Travelers. The broker handles the shopping and switching.
  10. ColoPilot

    Thinking about a Donkey

    If you get a donkey, next thing you know you'll get involved in pack burro racing and all your other hobbies will be forgotten. Dibbs on the car project.
  11. ColoPilot

    Best way to un butter your windows?

    The side that hits the carpet when I drop it. Always.
  12. ColoPilot

    Am I the only one?

    I'm the same way, I like coffee smell but don't like to drink it. I really like coffee ice cream though.
  13. ColoPilot

    [rant]Grocery store theft policy[/rant]

    One Walmart in Denver has such a high shoplifting (and crime rate) that Walmart pays $285,000 per year to the city for seven day a week police presence at the store. The store loses $1.5 million a year in theft...
  14. ColoPilot

    NA - Terminating employees

    Having to layoff employees because of the corporation's finances is worse. You have to pick people who are good workers and have performed well. The first round isn't too bad as the are usually some not as high performers, but by the third round you have to get rid of some really good talent.
  15. ColoPilot

    Want to own a piece of Royalty?

    I'll fly it for free. Now we just need a couple more pilots and a whole lot of flight attendants.
  16. ColoPilot

    Emotional support pets...

    When I first saw the thumbnail, I thought it was a skunk. That's the emotional support animal for Southwest. Nobody will take the empty seat next to me and my emotional support skunk. Heck, I might get an entire row to myself!
  17. ColoPilot

    [NA - Dishes - NA]

    If the dirty dishes in the dishwasher are so clean you can't tell whether or not you've run the dishwasher, you're doing it wrong.
  18. ColoPilot

    Emotional support pets...

    Haha! I did a quick Google search: (Plus about 50 other sites) Only $99! You'll have to select "other" for the pet type but then you can swap out your komodo dragon for a puma or grizzly bear or something.
  19. ColoPilot

    Emotional support pets...

    I think part of the problem with the system is most people confuse support animal with service animal. A service animal is either a dog or miniature horse trained to perform a specific task for a disabled person, think guide dog. No peacocks or llamas or lizards etc. An emotional support...