Search results

  1. Mike Smith

    trade-a-plane et al watch out

    Yeah, no click for me either.
  2. Mike Smith

    Low level combat simulation

    I don’t want to be safe, I want to be free.
  3. Mike Smith

    Crazy Club Rates?

  4. Mike Smith

    Want To Buy Rivet squeezer

    Of course
  5. Mike Smith

    Want To Buy Rivet squeezer

    Pneumatic rivet squeezer. Anybody ready to let one go?
  6. Mike Smith

    NON A&P maintenance

    Context, I was speaking of miscreants, not honest folk.
  7. Mike Smith

    To all of you long winded, wall of text posters

    §93.53 Description of area. The Anchorage, Alaska, Terminal Area is designated as that airspace extending upward from the surface to the upper limit of each of the segments described in §93.55. It is bounded by a line beginning at Point MacKenzie, extending westerly along the bank of Knik Arm...
  8. Mike Smith

    NON A&P maintenance

    An insurance company really only has one thing in mind on any claim, what is the simplest way to end the claim. In the litigious society we live in, that pretty much means writing a check and moving on. The people in question would never get insurance again, but that claim would sail right through.
  9. Mike Smith

    Been away for a while.

    There is a “rule of thumb” that say an hour of training for every year off. I think that is pretty close. I just flew for the first time in two years last week, it was pretty bad. I’ll need at least another hour, maybe two before I would consider flying alone.
  10. Mike Smith

    Morbid enamoring - Why? An open Letter

    We don’t. It’s just you.
  11. Mike Smith

    Where to go??

    Never a better time to go see your girlfriend.
  12. Mike Smith

    Why post useless comments?

    Post count baw.
  13. Mike Smith

    How to stay motivated

    Flying more regularly and not less reduces the likelihood that you have to repeat a lesson. Be prepared. It’s been said, and I agree, the cockpit makes a lousy classroom.
  14. Mike Smith

    And so it begins......

    It’s a start
  15. Mike Smith

    And so it begins......

    Thanks Todd, already on both!
  16. Mike Smith

    And so it begins......

    Day 2 is in the books. Finished my tables, added some storage and built a stationary work bench. I’ll put my drill press, band saw and sander there. I also need to buy a pneumatic squeezer and a DRDT-2 C-Frame. I also inventoried the kit and tools. The kit is complete, but one side rudder skin...
  17. Mike Smith

    Tom's back in the Hospital

    Prayers for a speedy recovery Tom!
  18. Mike Smith

    Sports Rivalries

  19. Mike Smith

    And so it begins......

    Build day one is over. I managed to build one of the two tables. Have all the lumber cut for the second. I am building the EAA tables, I built them to the plan and then added the casters, it’s too tall so I’ll cut 3 inches off the legs tomorrow and build the second one properly. I bought an not...
  20. Mike Smith

    And so it begins......

    This morning I took delivery of an RV-9 empennage kit. Spent the day gathering material to get my work tables built. About to head out to start building tables. I bought lumber to build hanging shelves for larger pieces and some wall mounted parts bins for rivets and cleco’s etc. I hope to be...