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  1. Jayhawk

    T minus 22 hours 45 minutes

    And wonder why you didn't start parting with them sooner :lol: Enjoy the flight!
  2. Jayhawk

    All things RV-8A

    Gotta agree, after starting out in a Citabria and moving to a side by side Gobosh, that second front seat's great on cross countries. Besides, easier to tell how the flight's going when I can see how nervous my instructor looks :lol: Love the RV-8, but my favorite's still the -6 for the side by...
  3. Jayhawk

    O Jay's RV8...

    Definitely a goal in the future, hands full with 60-70 hour weeks right now just to finish up my certificate. Overtime's definitely worth it for that, and having a project like that would be well worth the work too.
  4. Jayhawk

    Colorado Fatal 3/31/2013

    Nah, Class B floor at Franktown where he crashed is 9000', drops to 8000' over KAPA. No need to get a Class B clearance when approaching from Franktown.
  5. Jayhawk

    O Jay's RV8...

    Bad thing about RV's, I forget about the money I don't have, and start wondering how many jobs I can hold simultaneously to pay for a kit.
  6. Jayhawk

    Colorado Fatal 3/31/2013

    No fire, had to be fuel exhaustion being that close to KAPA. Doubt he'd take off short of fuel for a 2.5 hour trip, lost a fuel cap, maybe? Lot of good emergency landing sites by Franktown, wonder what happened after the engine quit (if it was actually fuel)
  7. Jayhawk

    Hobbies that compete with our flying obsessions...

    Guitars, until all my money started going to more flight time. Sheraton II, Epiphone LP Custom (sold it to get a few more hours), and a Gretsch 5120 that I don't have any pics of. Had to stop buying more gear when I started flying, that was an even quicker way to go broke than aviation :lol:
  8. Jayhawk

    Man who knows how to market a car

  9. Jayhawk

    Check this out. Amazing!

    Incredible, I'd seen the pics but never read the story
  10. Jayhawk

    break from flying?

    Mine wasn't anywhere near as long as most of the replies on here, but did my solo XC on 11/13/12, and finances hit the wall after that. Didn't get back into the air until today, took a Gobosh out over Denver and realized I hadn't forgotten nearly as much as I thought I would. Then again, if...
  11. Jayhawk

    Five TV Shows You Watch

    We counting reruns? MASH and Firefly. Probably watch old episodes of those more than anything new. Well, except Top Gear.
  12. Jayhawk

    Closed Towers

    +1, great idea. Makes you wonder what they're actually going to do with them after they're closed.
  13. Jayhawk

    Newly-minted Private Pilot!

    Congratulations! Another recommendation for Aspen Flying Club if he's coming out to KAPA. My experience is limited to the LSA's and light sport instructors, but it's a great club and group of people, can't recommend it enough.
  14. Jayhawk

    Short XC flights from KAPA

    Went to the Cosmosphere's space camp back when I was growing up in Kansas, definitely planning a trip back there again once I finish my certificate. Glad you got to check it out, place is incredible. Was gonna recommend the museum at KPUB, but looks like you already checked it out (guessing most...
  15. Jayhawk

    Five TV Shows You Watch

    -Top Gear UK -The Walking Dead -Baseball Nothing much else that's on now, but keep reading about The Aviators on here, planning on checking out that out sometime.
  16. Jayhawk

    Stearman ride

    Nice pictures, looks like a pretty amazing time
  17. Jayhawk

    OMG! Look what landed at KDTO today!

    Hey, thanks! Been reading the forum a while, and hey, when a 262 catches your eye, hard not to say something :lol:
  18. Jayhawk

    OMG! Look what landed at KDTO today!

    That 262's amazing, i'd love it if they'd drop in at KAPA with that sometime