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  1. Jayhawk

    Kevin Eldridge had to put Relentless down...

    Glad he walked away, sad to see the plane in that condition though. Then again, says a lot for the NXT that it still looks wicked fast in the dirt.
  2. Jayhawk

    Any of the KAPA crowd interested in dinner April 13?

    Perfect Landing's always a good time. Just got scheduled for work that night, or I'd come out, since I haven't met any of the POA KAPA crowd in person yet (well, intentionally, at least)
  3. Jayhawk

    A new tower closure poll.

    But where's the "Close all towers, ban transponders, and give me my Jenny back" option gone?
  4. Jayhawk

    First Cross Country in 40 Years

    Congrats on getting back into it, enjoy the flight when you're able to take it! Definitely give us a write up and pics after :thumbsup:
  5. Jayhawk


    Beautiful plane, congrats on finishing it!
  6. Jayhawk

    Should there be a sport pilot/LSA advocacy organization? What's your take on this?

    Re: Should there be a sport pilot/LSA advocacy organization? What's your take on thi I like the idea. I don't see any justification besides "we want it" for a weight increase, but getting rid of the Catch 22 on the medical process is a worthy goal. There's also a definite negative stigma...
  7. Jayhawk

    Got to have dinner with a Flying Tiger yesterday

    Great story, if you want to check out some more about the guys who flew the Hump, Avweb's got a pretty good article on it.
  8. Jayhawk

    Thunderbirds 2013

  9. Jayhawk

    Daily Pic

    Great pic, if I had access to a Cub to fly my little brother in, I don't think he'd ever let me leave the airport
  10. Jayhawk

    Corrupt my wish

    Oops, missed one. Granted, you're now scheduled for Minnesota, Florida, and Guam.
  11. Jayhawk

    Corrupt my wish

    Granted, the glass is on your desk. But looking outside, it's also the perfect evening for some night touch and goes... I wish I didn't have to wait another 4 hours for a shot of Jameson. Late night shifts- :nonod:
  12. Jayhawk

    Go fast plane.....

    Man, that's a good noise
  13. Jayhawk

    T minus 22 hours 45 minutes

    I'll back you up on FSX helping, I was still overwhelmed my first flight, but knowing what to expect and the general flow of things from flying the sim really helped. From lesson one I was handling takeoffs and landings, so the thousands of hours on it must've helped some. I see flight sims...
  14. Jayhawk

    T minus 22 hours 45 minutes

    :lol: Just wait til you accidentally do that with ATC "77 kilo, how's the ride up there?" "*$%#!" "77 kilo, last unreadable, believe you said it was, *ahem*, pretty rough?" Congrats on the flight, first flight's always like trying to drink from a firehose. I'd been flying on FSX and X Plane...
  15. Jayhawk

    ugh, plane down.

    Sad, way too many of these stories lately. So sick of reading quotes like that in stories. If there's a group of kids anywhere within a 4 state area of where a plane goes down, we'll hear about the exact proximity of the crash to them. It's like reading about a car accident and having it...
  16. Jayhawk

    Half Snaps

    Nice, really enjoying the videos you've put up, makes me look forward to getting some acro training soon
  17. Jayhawk

    T minus 22 hours 45 minutes

    :lol: So true. OP, how was it?
  18. Jayhawk

    Corrupt my wish

    :lol: Granted. The tower controller at Sun 'n Fun has the fish for dinner, falls deathly ill, and since due to a freak coincidence every other controller has decided to check out the lovely sights of Kansas instead of the airshow this year, you're volunteered to take over his position as a...
  19. Jayhawk

    Corrupt my wish

    Granted, it turns into a beautiful CAVU day, and as you're on the way to the plane you get called into work for 12 hours of mandatory overtime. I wish KAPA would give me runway 10 for departure more often.
  20. Jayhawk

    All things RV-8A

    Great pics, beautiful plane