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  1. TheGolfPilot

    Provided VFR operations and private use only

    Sure, many pvt fields have it in either comments or remarks on ForeFlight. Others have nothing or strictly owner use only in there. I’m in California and most of the pvt airports say that and most are pretty good about letting you land there when you call. Californians are a little more friendly...
  2. TheGolfPilot

    Transitioning through the LAX area

    If it were me in my Archer in VFR conditions, I’d go KTNP PMD KSBA Every time I end up transiting LA at low altitude I end up losing all kinds of time to random BS, the Palmdale route takes all that out
  3. TheGolfPilot

    Do you climb at full power on big piston engines

    I was flying with an instructor (it wasn’t an instruction flight) who gave me an ear full because I told him I like to climb at Vy in NA fixed prop airplanes. He gave me a bunch of mumble jumbo about being able to see better and better cooling. He also said that you’ll get a better climb rate...
  4. TheGolfPilot

    Required to overfly the VOR?

    If they don't specify to flyover and it isn't published as a flyover point, I don't think ATC cares as long as it looks like you are going in the correct direction. I may be wrong but I remember reading something somewhere about remaining within 4 miles of the route so on a turn you don't want...
  5. TheGolfPilot

    Provided VFR operations and private use only

    I suppose the question is, Does the public remark, provided private use, provide express written permission to use as long as your flight is a private operation?" Some say "for personal use of owner" that wording is different and far less inviting. Owner's probably don't understand this that...
  6. TheGolfPilot

    Provided VFR operations and private use only

    Airports on sectional marked as Pvt often have, in the remarks, something along the lines of “Provided VFR operations and private use only”. What exactly does this mean. I know some pvt airports are pretty welcoming while others you can’t get ahold of them no matter how many people you try to...