Search results

  1. Skid

    Can I file and fly IFR without the rating?

    Based on the AOPA review of PIC it sounds like the op could log the PIC and his friend couldn't. Not sure I quite follow why that would be though if the friend is acting and/or legal PIC. "Pilot A wishes to fly with Pilot B on a cross-country flight in a single-engine, high-performance...
  2. Skid

    What am I missing? PIC Question

    Cool that's what I figured. I'm not worried about handwriting, just the fact that 3 of them didn't do it had me questioning myself. Thanks for clearing it up!
  3. Skid

    What am I missing? PIC Question

    I recently got back into flying after a long hiatus. This included a couple refresher flights, my flight review flight, and a bunch of checkouts in various aircraft. All of these were logged as dual received, but none have any PIC logged; and this is flying with 3 instructors at two different...
  4. Skid

    Surveillance video catches plane crash in Plainville

    Pretty good landing if he was able to walk away from it
  5. Skid

    Help Diagnose Engine Issue - Mag Drop

    I think I'll give a leaned run up a go on the next flight and see what changes. I meant to post the link earlier, but here is the service instruction 1132 B from 2010 which looks to apply to all Lycoming engines: Drop-Off.pdf Here are a few...
  6. Skid

    Help Diagnose Engine Issue - Mag Drop

    Well the drop is relatively rapid to about 150 rpm, then continues to drop very slowly if I just sit there like that for 10 seconds or so reaching about 180. So technically out of range from the poh's max 150. If I recall it just came out of 100 hr a week or two ago, but I'll have to check...
  7. Skid

    Help Diagnose Engine Issue - Mag Drop

    I don't have the poh in front of me but if I recall it says it should run smoothly between 2300-2400 rpm on takeoff. Sluggish isn't the right word it just barely wants to touch 2300.
  8. Skid

    Help Diagnose Engine Issue - Mag Drop

  9. Skid

    Help Diagnose Engine Issue - Mag Drop

    So I'll preface this with saying I'm not an engine expert by any means so hopefully I don't sound too stupid in my description of things or guess as to whats causing it. I'll try to keep this short: There's nice 2008 Cessna 172SP at the place I rent, but seems to always be right on the limits...
  10. Skid

    Would this hot start procedure work on a Cessna?

    What kind of aircraft? Also curious why the normal start procedure calls for the mixture to be ICO. Is full forward delivering too much fuel for normal starts?
  11. Skid

    Would this hot start procedure work on a Cessna?

    Thanks for posting that, that's good to know. I'll have to do some poking around.
  12. Skid

    Would this hot start procedure work on a Cessna?

    Just to clarify this wouldn't be a 60 second prime; the method by Braly described was to keep the mixture in idle cut off and have the fuel recycled so to speak using the return lines. So I wouldn't think anything would escape to pool under the engine. But then again if there's no return line...
  13. Skid

    Would this hot start procedure work on a Cessna?

    Injected. Lets say a 2005 Cessna 172sp
  14. Skid

    Would this hot start procedure work on a Cessna?

    So with summer in full swing and temperatures at the airport reaching 100 and people flying regularly, the dreaded hot start is becoming common place. While I can make it work and it's not generally a problem, I still always say a quick prayer before attempting. I was doing some reading to boost...
  15. Skid

    Calling engine experts...Engine died at idle

    Today while checking the idle during the runup, the engine began to shutter and then die. I scrubbed the flight and wrote it up for maintenance who...didn't seem too concerned... One thing that may or not be noteworthy: The left mag had a 170-180 drop, which I attempted to clear, but only...
  16. Skid

    Flight Planning Apps/Sites These Days?

    Skyvector, fltplan go, and to verify times.
  17. Skid

    Nice Satellite and Radar Site

    So I've been on a quest to find an easy to use aviation-tailored radar site/app that is free. During the last Wings course I did, someone brought up this site and so far it seems like a winner. I might be late to the party, but in the few days I've messed around with it, it's been working pretty...
  18. Skid

    First solos on student pilot's 16th birthday primary checkride on student pilot's 17th birthday?

    I did that. Started flying at 14, soloed on 16th, private on 17th. For my solo, I guess my instructor told the controllers, as they sang happy birthday over the frequency as I taxied back. Will never forget it.
  19. Skid Review

    If I recall mypilotstore will price match too. I've used them for most things aviation related if I can't get it on amazon prime. No complaints!
  20. Skid

    Help Me Learn From This...PFD Failure

    So again, yes the photo is from google images and a crude example of what I feel like I saw. Not trying to fake anything. And I think I misspoke in the op. I meant the mfd was the only thing appearing to be working, with the engine instruments swapping back and forth.