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  1. G

    who has right of way, backtaxi vs landing aircraft?

    3,000 feet I believe is the necessary separation, but I'm no ATC guy
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    who has right of way, backtaxi vs landing aircraft?

    Agreed with comments before: I own that runway until I'm off it.
  3. G

    Really need to stop wandering into Tradeaplane...

    A big big reason why I became an owner.
  4. G

    Silly Question

    mostly the smell...
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    How many hours off makes an engine "cold" again?

    An old FE told me once that the aircraft (An EP-3 Aries II) "will tell you exactly what's wrong with it, all you gotta do is understand how it speaks"
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    How many hours off makes an engine "cold" again?

    I glance at the oil temp gauge if there's a question. In the green -> hot start
  7. G

    Pre-buy inspection. Is it reasonable?

    WARNING!! I bought my aircraft with exactly this scenario. Perhaps my experience can be an warning to you? When I found my aircraft, I was told by the broker (i'll never buy another aircraft from him again) that the previous buyer backed out after his prebuy and that the owner had addressed all...
  8. G

    Garmin 175/GI 106B CDI Install

    To your question, I agree with your strategy. I installed the GNC-355 (for the comm to replace 1840's technology) and am very happy with its capability GPS-wise. The comm OTOH came with a few issues that (hopefully) have been dealt with after a warranty replacement. Still though, I am using it...
  9. G

    What are the lateral and vertical boundaries?

    an example of lower level english? The OP made no question regarding transponders and requirements thereof. he asked about the definition of "lateral and vertical limits". There is no reason on God's green earth (and the sky above its "horizontal limits") for regulations to be written in this...
  10. G

    What are the lateral and vertical boundaries?

    Simple question which might explain the OP's original question: How old are you, @kicktireslightfires ? The statement in the regs that you are quoting is written in plain, yet higher level, english. If you are younger and/or not accustomed to reading the legalese that regulations (of any...
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    Extended zero tolerance policy

    When things go back to some semblance of normal, remember how they treated you.
  12. G

    Southeast peeps

    Turns out I'm heading to Jekyll to see some friends. Red Bug golf carts, here I come
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    Southeast peeps

    Someplace a little Souther and Easter would be great. Highjackers at Flagler 38FL?
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    Flying for company on a PPL

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    Flying for company on a PPL

    Agreed. Legal.
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    I've come to a fork in the road (sort of) Commercial or not?

    My insurance guy quoted me a 15% reduction for IR and THEN another 15% reduction for comm
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    I've come to a fork in the road (sort of) Commercial or not?

    Go for the Commercial -> Lower insurance premiums
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    Just washed the plane and I don't have a chamois, gotta go fly to dry it off...(true story 2x)
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    GNC355 Weak Transmit

    The issue reappeared tonight! So, afterwards, I went into settings and set it to the known-good settings I sent you the pic of. We'll see if it holds. Unbelievable. I had to switch to my KX170b the volume was so bad through my mic. I have no idea what my SN was for the old unit (wouldn't that...
  20. G

    Training in my own aircraft: equipment question

    All: This is great news! Thanks. And also, thanks for actually citing the portion of the ACS that allows it. I'll forward this on to my CFII Thanks again