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  1. P

    Spraying a horse with water

    Me, I'm checking Jill for TBO and STCs before doing anything.
  2. P

    Saw a "UFO" tonight

    Aireast 31, do you wish to report a UFO? Negative, we don't want to report. Aireast 31, do you want to file a report of any kind? We wouldn't know what kind of report to file.
  3. P

    EAA 2016 Photos

    Hi All, I brought my older film cameras to EAA this year, thought I'd share the results. My plan is to print 2-3 of these for my home office. And get a prop for the wall. And some spinners. Maybe an old panel. But I digress. Here they are: -Paul
  4. P

    Lost comms question.

    Recently had a battery and alternator failure in flight, PA28RT. Curiously, ammeter appeared to indicate charging current, and checked out ok at preflight. VFR day xc. After departure, first indication was the GNS530 reboot; then I could hear radio traffic but could not transmit. Then the 530...
  5. P

    Flight Following ... Close call

    Thanks. I found this reference: I know the aircraft is ADS-B equipped, so I'm guessing it is TIS and not TCAS. I've been referring to it as TCAS because (a) didn't realize the technical differences and (b) one of my CFIs...
  6. P

    Flight Following ... Close call

    I'm embarrassed that I don't know. I'll find out.
  7. P

    Flight Following ... Close call

    This weekend, returning home from a family visit, short 30 min flight. This plane has a 530 with ADSB in/out, and since I'm using foreflight for navigation I use the 530 mainly as a TCAS. I love the TCAS because I see traffic on the screen long before I can find them in the air. But I force...
  8. P

    777 model from paper folders

    This is commitment:
  9. P

    Another Cirrus down, 6-18-2016

    Tuwood, thanks for saying much more eloquently what I was trying to express!
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    Another Cirrus down, 6-18-2016

    Reading this thread it just occurs to me that seemingly half say land it for X y and z reasons and half say pull the chute. Meanwhile this person had seconds or minutes to make a decision, while flying a deadstick, once it was clear the field was not reachable, and not knowing what field...
  11. P

    What's your favorite VFR cruising altitude, and why?

    So, I don't do many "long" xc. But generally I aim for 3200 feet. If I'm going farther I'll climb higher, following the VFR cruising altitudes. I aim for 3200 - 3400 on local flights because I'm betting that most people will go for 'even' altitudes like 3000 or 3500. Just one more attempt at...
  12. P

    What kind of bike do you ride?

    2015 K1300S. Can't get enough.
  13. P

    Dash Cams

    So I don't use a dash cam in the car, but I always run a Contour Roam +2 on my helmet when I'm on the motorcycle. The helmet mount sees generally what I see with a wide angle - and there are a lot of jerks out there that like to harass bikers (and unfortunately vice versa ). One plus is that...
  14. P

    Controllers of the magenta line...

    Not questioning your judgement, but did you have an out if you had departed SVFR and climbed through the hole? 30 miles to VFR conditions seems really far if you develop a problem, and turning back might no longer be an option. I'm thinking about the time years ago I departed an uncontrolled...
  15. P

    Name that snake

    That is one beautiful animal!
  16. P

    Dropping meat bombs

    This is one of those clips that reminds me how mindblowingly brave the people were who flew these things into combat. You can see how carefully they're stepping out of the bomb bay - in stable flight, on a CAVU day, in what appears to be slow flight (judging from the flap setting). I can't...
  17. P

    Where are my pilot reports?!

    Seems to me this fancy tech in so many cockpits should be doing this for us: with a few simple notations to a G430 page, and a few presses of the button, pireps should be entirely digitized. Many parameters could be collected and reported entirely automatically, creating a wealth of data. But...
  18. P

    Avoided Bravo like the plague last night until ...

    On a recent XC I departed KDPA which is just under a 3000' shelf of KORD. I picked up FF no problem from ORD approach, VFR 2500'. I had planned to stay at that altitude under the B, but was getting knocked around pretty good in turbulence. After about 10 mins approach comes back and says, "uh...
  19. P

    Gliding Distance

    Ah, but what *else* floats on water? <really enjoying the technical knowledge & debate in this thread but couldn't resist two holy grail references in the same thread.>
  20. P

    A career in aviation...

    I missed the asthma piece - yeah that's a gap to military. Another option is to seek an engineering career in aviation. Boeing, cirrus, Textron, Lockheed, GE, etc are always looking for good passionate engineers.