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  1. G

    Anyone familiar flying into KEMT VFR?

    Just get flight following on the ground before takeoff and head for just north of KBUR. There is a small montain ridge you have to go north of (to follow the 210 freeway) or just south of that puts you KBUR airspace untill you can climb out of it. Watch of for TFR's over the rose bowl for...
  2. G

    How did they save this?

    Lots of rudder inputs? Finally deciding to pay attention to the stick shaker?
  3. G

    New Cessna Aircraft - SkyCourier

    Viking is still making new Twin Otters. I doubt the Cessna will have the STOL and rough field capabilitys of the Twin Otter, but that is probably not needed in 90% of the jobs the Twin Otters are doing today.
  4. G

    How to be a better flight instructor... thoughts?

    Research the different ways people learn new things. Just because you know how to fly and know the material doesn't mean you are a good teacher. There is alot on this subject available focused mostly for school teachers. It shouldn't be any different for teaching people to fly. Understand the...
  5. G

    New Cessna Aircraft - SkyCourier

    Example: last weekend I ordered a couple pocket knifes off Amazon at 1:09 am. It was in my maibox at 11:30 am. I'm in Los Angeles, it came from the North Las Vegas wherhouse. I doubt this could of happend with trucks doing the few hundred miles trip.
  6. G

    New Cessna Aircraft - SkyCourier

    Looks like it would make a fine jump plane.
  7. G

    Whiteman (KWHP) practice area

    FYI if you do stay in the pattern, they are one of those airports where the tower wants you to report down wind,mid field (ajacent to the tower) since there is a small hill in between those two points They will usually give you landing clearance at that point, or just acknowledge you if...
  8. G

    Whiteman (KWHP) practice area

    Over SCV is where students practice, but there is not a whole lot of open space where you would not spook people is you wanted to get really low. I would head west of the Magic Mountain amusement park (VPLMM) its all farm land to Santa Paula. Note That that area is a wavered acrobatic...
  9. G

    Transition from 172 to 150

    OP: get checked out, it is a whole different feeling plane when when solo, climbs so much better.
  10. G

    Transition from 172 to 150

    Indeed. One thing to remember if you go out an do stalls, it will drop a wing into a spin alot more abruptly than a 172 if your wings are not level. But with the rudder authority, its not hard to lift that wing up if your fast on the rudder.
  11. G

    Transition from 172 to 150

    A little less climb rate, more sensative controls, more powerfull rudder, less need to trim. All your speeds are basically 5 knots slower.
  12. G

    What is your favorite store bought BBQ sauce?

    Sweet Baby Rays original
  13. G

    Seeking sanity check on my training status

    I would suggest flying with a couple other CFi's, focusing strictly on landings. Every teacher has a different way of explaining things, perhaps one will say something that cllicks with you. While the hours may not count, if your school has a Cessna 150, try a few landing in one of those, i...
  14. G

    Man Airdrops Sandwich For Friend

    Bigger question is if I need a CPL to deliver a sandwich...
  15. G

    Should we Still Teach Old Tech???
  16. G

    [Video] Just when you thought skydivers were already crazy

    Pretty sure Troy Hartman did this like 15 years ago, also, with a third chute deployed directly from the plane.
  17. G

    1976 C-172M speed

    That seems slow. The M model I fly does about 100 at 2500 without wheel pants. Probably the climb prop, you trade climb performance for top speed.
  18. G

    MMO to break up the sludge

    Before the 1950-60's, most automotive engines did not have oil filters, like many aircraft engines. The engines and oil used were designed for the solid particulate in the oil to fall out of suspension and build up in the sump so that is was no longer circulating through the oil system. Sludge...
  19. G

    is GA dream at all realistic?

    Good post, but he wants to fly 5 people and a dog, not going to happen in a 172 or SR22. Were talking Twin category, or at least a 6 place single if were talking about reasonably priced aircraft that may be on a rental line. OP, I would first suggest getting your pilots certificate first and...
  20. G

    Using Hand Held VHF for ELT Location

    In ham radio, we have contests called T hunts (transmitter hunts.) A battery powered transmitter is hidden some where in a city and we have to find it. Its common to use a hand held, directional antenna, usually home made. This is one example...