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    Taking daughter flying 1st time

    I am rusty, the last time I flew was 3 months ago but stopped because I wasn't sure I would get my med back. Before that first flight it has been a few years.
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    Taking daughter flying 1st time

    I TOTALY agree!! She is an adventurous girl but she has never been on a roller coaster but in the convert car she always saying FASTER FASTER!! LOL I think I will wait on taking her up when it is just her and I. That way she can "take" the controls and get the feeling that "shes" flying the...
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    Taking daughter flying 1st time

    Oh I totally agree, I would NEVER do anything to scare her on her first flight. I am waiting for a call back from the CFI to see what exactly he wants to do so he can sign off on the BFR. If he wants to review some crazy power on/off stalls and such my daughter wont be coming with and I will...
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    Taking daughter flying 1st time

    Now that I have my medical back I booked the plane with a CFI to get my BFR finished. So I decided to take my 10 year old daughter with me. Anyone have any tips to make this first flight enjoyable? I think I will bring a puke bag in case she gets sick. It's going to be 60 and clam winds...
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    Pawn shops

    Both my uncles own pawn shops here, I bought my daughters laptop from him. It was brand new and in the box HP for 200. Pawn shops finger print EVERYONE that sells or pawns something. Then the shop has to sit on it for 14 days while it clears the police dept. As far as laptops, they...
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    Yep im legal again

    After 2 months and jumping through hoops I received my 3rd class medical in the mail today. Now to book some plane time. :yes::yes::yes:
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    Another letter from the FAA

    I did write my letter and was straight to the point and didn't come off like I was ****ed off. It was short, sweet and to the point.
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    Another letter from the FAA

    That's what I was thinking. So I guess I will write my letter and be judged again by my actions.
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    Another letter from the FAA

    So after sending in the info they asked for I get another letter today. Now they are wanting me to write a letter stating why and what lead up to my mis and felony's. This ticked me off!!! I started flying in 2000, always made note of it in my yearly SI medical because of chrons. Why are...
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    And now i wait

    Received my letter from the FAA asking for more info for my 3rd class medical. They asked for a letter from my treating doc on my Chrons, which didn't surprise me because I deal with this all the time when it came to my medical. My Doc wrote a really great letter for me, done The...
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    PA-28 235 Cherokee

    Leave the keys in it and i'll be right over. :goofy::goofy::goofy:
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    jumping through hoops

    So it has been about 3 weeks since my medical was deferred and I still haven't received my letter from the FAA letting me know what info they are wanting. Should I call? I was deferred because I had a bout with kidney stones but wasn't in the hospital back in 2003!!! What kind of info...
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    LOL I agree
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    Is a Cessna 150 or 152 considered a LSA?
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    CFI Problem

    WOW, this has been beaten to death.
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    CFI Problem

    Yep, take another CFI up with you and have him evaluate your skills.
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    vanity plates

    Anyone have a vanity plate that has to do with flying? I saw av8tr yesterday.
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    Trying to gauge interest and a possible price...

    I would say around the 10-15 range
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    Best IFR reading/study info

    Awesome advice guys, thanks a ton. Now I have to work on my radio work, I learned at a non towered FBO and did very very little ATC interactions. I am actually, truth be told am very nervous when it comes to talking to ATC.
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    Best IFR reading/study info

    I want to start my IFR in January, I am courious what would be the best study material for me. I learn best with hands on LOL I cant really sit and read and retain the info, more visual/reading.