Search results

  1. Bob Weber

    Saving money

    I started a thread on another site challenging owner/pilots to crawl up under their panel and look up, then imagine getting the hell beat out of you in the soup, with your family on board. I was eviscerated. The most important component in the autopilots I work with is everything other than...
  2. Bob Weber

    Saving money

    Check with Honeywell... 031-0326-00. I try to be nice to my clients.
  3. Bob Weber

    Saving money

    It amazes me how hard it is to save people money. I spent some time on the phone with a guy trying to help with a typical autopilot issue. I attempted to explain the common issues we saw in nearly every one of the installations. Rather than listening to the advice and spending the $100 on an...
  4. Bob Weber

    17 year old Pilot in need of electrical advice on 172 Please read

    With tongue in cheek, and the Sweetest Wife, She has a couple of those brooms.. She, however, is not a pilot....
  5. Bob Weber

    Buying a Saratoga HP and looking to redo the entire panel

    Incidentally it was the yards of excess wiring left by whoever installed it and indiscriminately placed sensors that I found myself troubleshooting, clean up, and relocating the sensors went along way.
  6. Bob Weber

    17 year old Pilot in need of electrical advice on 172 Please read

    I would advise a careful inspection of the connectors that were loose, and replace the breaker. The times I've seen this, even some of the wiring needed to be replaced due to the heat generated by the loose connections. It may work fine now but if any connector or wire that got hot enough, it...
  7. Bob Weber

    Buying a Saratoga HP and looking to redo the entire panel

    My sideline passion has always been racing, when I saw the first engine monitor all those years ago I was fascinated with the wealth of information. I tried to place the EGT probes in an effort to sample the same area of the flame on each cylinder, my goal was to have a flat line across the...
  8. Bob Weber

    Buying a Saratoga HP and looking to redo the entire panel

    Dan I've not seen a JPI I didn't wish I could get in a twin 8cyl. version! This being said, any equipment installed in anything, is only as good as the workmanship of the installation. The engine monitors I installed years ago were much simpler but still were effected by shoddy workmanship.
  9. Bob Weber

    Buying a Saratoga HP and looking to redo the entire panel

    my first hand held. A Garmin G90. That little 2"X 2" screen was a great unit. I still display this GPS 55 in my museum room! I ran it for years in an old go fast boat for a speedometer
  10. Bob Weber

    Buying a Saratoga HP and looking to redo the entire panel

    The GFC 500 sounds like your end game, not a bad choice at all. 10 years ago I chose to avoid touch screen in an upgrade, at the time I had become accustomed to the 430 530 "buttonology" and felt more comfortable with buttons. Bad choice. The G500TXI and the G5 have the CAN technology that feeds...
  11. Bob Weber

    Need Help With ILS

    Bill there are checks that can be done to verify the offending component, that HSI is as old as that radio I would wager. There is a history of GS issues with the KI 525A, but there are also other possibilities as well. I always look at these issues with a voltmeter, it can save you a bundle!
  12. Bob Weber

    Indicated vs actual altitude

    I'm pretty sure these guidelines have not changed dramatically since we referred to them as 91.171, and 91.172. I've never heard of a lapse rate.
  13. Bob Weber

    G5 AI to Century IIII AP

    You have CIIII as the subject of the beginning of this issue. Perhaps you will get better advice if you can identify what you actually are dealing with. What autopilot is in your aircraft?
  14. Bob Weber

    Indicated vs actual altitude

    From my experience, ATC has always worked with pressure altitude. They're the ones giving us the Kollsman setting. I would welcome any heads up for another aircraft passing within 500' of me, your reported altitude is easily obtained by requesting their altitude reading and your primary...
  15. Bob Weber


    I advise people, most assuredly, how to base the end game with the autopilot in mind. You have the "band-aid" approach, tearing it all off at once, not ill advised. You can efficiently "step" thru the process with the right approach. The KFC 200 is being phased out, this means many parts are...
  16. Bob Weber

    G5 AI to Century IIII AP

    CIII relies on an attitude input for both pitch and roll, it also uses lateral navigation information thru it's radio coupler. Depending on the radio coupler, it will feed Heading or Course/CDI information. The real question is what has been certified and published as an acceptable interface...
  17. Bob Weber


    Picture yourself at KATL, waiting on a passenger, and deciding to do a software upgrade, next thing you know your grounded and multiple manufacturers are pointing their finger at each other for the blame. I call it the end game. It sounds like you have a KFC 200 tied to some legacy equipment...
  18. Bob Weber

    Need Help With ILS

    Daniel Thanks! For decades I have worked with shops and end customers to troubleshoot and repair most any system over the phone. Up until a couple years ago, I was doing many of the repairs myself. Today I have a far smarter component level repair guy that I work hand in hand with, as the...
  19. Bob Weber

    Need Help With ILS

    Bob Weber is in KMKG and I bring 4 decades of experience to the game you are finding yourself in. I can answer this simple question if you would like. I will just need a bit more info, then I can guide most any mechanic to the solution. I do this daily, all over the globe.
  20. Bob Weber

    Need Help With ILS

    What model number indicator are you looking at for the glideslope? How does it react when you apply power? 616 822 1999. I was installing new KX 170's when the 155's were released, The crimp connectors were welcomed.