34, feeling lost, lonely

@Half Fast Well, buckle up for a life update...

Since the writing of that previous post of mine, I have found a possible love story. There is a man who is an airline and airshow pilot who has stolen my heart. Where will this go? Compass is pointing towards a relationship. This seems to be a match made in heaven...
@Half Fast Well, buckle up for a life update...

Since the writing of that previous post of mine, I have found a possible love story. There is a man who is an airline and airshow pilot who has stolen my heart. Where will this go? Compass is pointing towards a relationship. This seems to be a match made in heaven...

CONGRATS! (Be careful of airline pilots; they often have multiple wives abroad. ;) )

See, @Sam7 ? Ya snooze, ya lose. I also understand one of @SkyChaser ’s sisters is about to become engaged, so there’s yet another opportunity lost. You have to get a bit quicker.
How to meet women:
1 - Buy a puppy.
2 - Take it for a walk.
@Sam7 , Just get a Tail Dragger and you'll never be lonely again. Women and buddies you never knew you had will be calling three times a day. :blueplane::blowingkisses: :cheerswine: :blueplane:
Best taildragger to get - a Waco. You'll be beating the babes off with a stick!
Love is where you find it, to coin a phrase.
My oldest brother met his wife at a West Point mixer. Another brother met his wife in a parking lot and asked her to a dance contest as their first date. They won. Another brother and my sister each met their spouses at school. Another brother met his wife online, and my youngest brother met his wife on a church retreat. (And none of my brothers is named Darrel, in case you're wondering.)

I met my wife, Tammy, at a resume workshop when I was between jobs. Except for a one-week breakup while we were dating, we were inseparable until the Covid Vax killed her a couple years ago. As far as I'm concerned, she was Heaven sent, was my angel on earth, and is now my Angel in Heaven.

She pulled me kicking and screaming out of my shell, so now I'm an outgoing introvert. For the most part, I'm a lot more happy for what we had together than sad for what I lost.
Welcome to the community!

I second the idea of joining your local EAA chapter. While the male/female ratio might not be in your favor, it will allow you to work on your social skills in general, and you never know what opportunities appear. This guy you just met might have a single sister, or his wife might know another single lady and be willing to set-up a double date. Plus, a lot of them organize regular fly-outs. You might meet someone at a fly-out destination.

Also, outside of aviation, try registering for a photography class. A good way to meet interesting people, and the M/F ratio might be a bit more favorable. If everything else fails, find one of those mall places that sells expensive cooking utensils. Most of them organize cooking classes in an effort to convince you to buy your stuff. Sign up for a few, you never know. At a minimum, you get a nice meal out of it.
Even your local library will have interesting events worth attending. Chances are you'll meet someone a lot more interesting than what you could meet in your typical sports bar.

And, most important piece of advice: be yourself. Works out better in the long term, even if it might seem to generate less interest initially.
In Colorado there are very few women in EAA chapters that aren’t the wives, and they avoid the meetings, only show up for the summer picnic. Chapter I belong to has 2 women as members. But they only show up to fly Young eagles…in their own airplanes.

Go for the cooking classes.
Love is where you find it, to coin a phrase.
My oldest brother met his wife at a West Point mixer. Another brother met his wife in a parking lot and asked her to a dance contest as their first date. They won. Another brother and my sister each met their spouses at school. Another brother met his wife online, and my youngest brother met his wife on a church retreat. (And none of my brothers is named Darrel, in case you're wondering.)

I met my wife, Tammy, at a resume workshop when I was between jobs. Except for a one-week breakup while we were dating, we were inseparable until the Covid Vax killed her a couple years ago. As far as I'm concerned, she was Heaven sent, was my angel on earth, and is now my Angel in Heaven.

She pulled me kicking and screaming out of my shell, so now I'm an outgoing introvert. For the most part, I'm a lot more happy for what we had together than sad for what I lost.
Very sorry for you loss...but glad you had the time together you did.
I see this a lot with the younger professional age group, they spend so much time saving for the “perfect” future, chasing FIRE lifestyles, that they miss out on enjoying their life.

You won’t become that cool, wise old person you dream of if you don’t lay a solid foundation.

That foundation is built on life experience, and many people in that age range haven’t had much of it. They’ve never been in a real fist fight, didn’t party enough, haven’t had enough relationships, and it’s 100% ok to get into relationships for fun.

They often prioritize “safety” over adventure. They go along with “don’t talk politics or religion at a bar”… presuming they even go out, aren’t outgoing, and miss out on the richness of life, leading to the issues the OP mentioned.

I see a good looking single people at work talking about ordering uber eats in these foreign places we go and I just shake my head.

I own property and live debt free, but looking back, those things aren’t as important as the experiences I’ve had. A house is just a box on dirt you rent from the state. Homeownership and marriage are often over romanticized or overrated.

Live a life that’s truly worth living. Don’t rush into marriage, it’s just a legal procedure, don’t make an home a life defining event, And don’t rush to “grow up” or “be serious”, you’ll see the people who have done the most serious things in life don’t tend to seem to be as tightly wound.

Don’t go out looking for a hookup or looking for a wife, go out and have fun, meet people, see where it goes.

A wife or family should not define a man, a man should define a man, when it’s the right time and it naturally happens, the family compliments him, but it should not be who you are, lest you don’t even own yourself.

From observations of of my friends and colleagues, I’ve learned that the only thing worse than being lonely alone is being lonely in a marriage with kids, it drains both your bank and your soul.

BEWARE the foreign wife deal, I know everyone’s cousins friend met the love of their life doing it and all

But many people in my work have done that, it’s cool to date them, but especially the ones who push for marriage, I’d say 85% it’s a business transaction which will become obvious once they get their status in the US, and possibly half of your stuff, no bueno

What’s the old saying, be the flexible branch, not the stiff one that breaks

Go out to some social events, join a sports team or scuba group or something with a easy and low cost of entry, go get a few drinks at some popular (but not too loud) bars, talk to folks, make more questions than statements, have FUN, it’ll all work itself out
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