Does anyone have an example of a land use restriction in writing? I've checked my county and the only things for many search terms comes up with this for "airport":
ADVERSE OR UNUSUAL CONDITIONS State any activities or conditions adjacent to or nearby the subdivision, such as feed lots, dairies, cement plants or airports that would subject the subdivided land to any unusual conditions affecting its use or occupancy
This in the section for developing a subdivision of residences which I can understand the county want to know about for adversity to a residential development. I've landed on my acreage a few times, and I have a wind sock. It is NOT charted, and will not be charted with the FAA. Therefore it is not a "runway", "landing strip", "airport", etc.
I adopt the submarine cliche'(modified) for use; 'run silent, run low'. 2 years ago I had a guy drive by and ask if things were ok, as he saw me land, and I said all fine, no prob, I live here, have a nice day, cya later.