Get Sport Pilot Certificate now or wait for MOSAIC?

My experience is the pilots who pretty much ALWAYS file IFR are poor judges of what a competent VFR pilot can accomplish.
I have friends that are IFR mostly pilots that fly with me often in my Bristell to brush up on their VFR skills because they don’t use them! When you do flight following, it’s very similar to flying basic IFR. So many IFR pilots are autopilot dependent and for me flying with them teaches me some of those skills

Regarding the usefulness of LSA. I often take longer trips you just have to be smart about weather and slowly build your personal minimums! But they are very capable airplanes and often have the latest in avionics that you need to ensure you fully understand. I’ll do a 12-15 crosswind in the Bristell if it’s anymore it’s not worth flying anyway for me.
It's not the speed so much as the need for an instrument rating when flying long distances. The weather isn't going to cooperate everywhere in the US.

Got to factor where you are going to fly as well, in the north instrument isn’t useful for much of the bad weather season without FIKI

At least around here, the instances of the weather being bad enough to require an instrument rating but still good enough to fly my little plane are few. Yes, it happens, but most of our IMC is in the summer and usually convective. For someone like me who's flying for pleasure and not under any real schedule pressure, an instrument ticket would be a lot of expense and hassle for a small benefit.
At least around here, the instances of the weather being bad enough to require an instrument rating but still good enough to fly my little plane are few. Yes, it happens, but most of our IMC is in the summer and usually convective. For someone like me who's flying for pleasure and not under any real schedule pressure, an instrument ticket would be a lot of expense and hassle for a small benefit.
As I noted a couple of pages ago, my percentages for parking a VFR airplane and an IFR airplane on trips are about the same without FIKI and Radar.