Filing Flight Plan
As I have mentioned in other threads, I am a rusty pilot looking to resume training to be a CFI after 20-something years of absence. I am grateful that only by some accident of circumstance, I managed to retain my logbook. It is in pristine condition through no particular intention on my part. I only have a PP, with several endorsements so my first act, after renewing my medical, will be to get my IR. I've been out of the left seat so long that I'm not sure how much, if any, my previous time will help from a practical matter of having lost some familiarity. However, it is nice to know that I meet almost all the requirements for an IR except for twenty hours of simulated hood time in a plane and instrument ground school (I have 20 hours in a simulator with an instructor, all my night and cross-country hours etc). While I have no intention of short-cutting myself on training, I do appreciate that I still have my logbook, its true value forgotten for so long. So, this has me wondering if I shouldn't back up or archive my logbook in some way? Do any of you have copies of your logbook? If so, is it digital or hard copy? I imagine there are cloud based electronic log books now. Are these allowed for a check-ride, let's say?
As a side, I owned my own Bonanza and essentially stopped logging flights after a couple hundred hours. I know, I know... Is there any way to claim those hours or rebuild that portion of the Pilot's Log based on the tach? Should I acknowledge the time with a single entry or just chalk it up as lesson learned?
As a side, I owned my own Bonanza and essentially stopped logging flights after a couple hundred hours. I know, I know... Is there any way to claim those hours or rebuild that portion of the Pilot's Log based on the tach? Should I acknowledge the time with a single entry or just chalk it up as lesson learned?