Winter Blues

Mooney Fan

Cleared for Takeoff
Sep 17, 2017
Indian Mound, TN
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Mooney Fan
My flying hours have taken it in the shorts the past 30 days. Flown 3 times for 2.5

The weather has been awful. When the winds are not blowing its MVFR or worse. Been colder than normal.

The next 7 days doesn't look any better.

What a drag..... :confused:
I did 1.3 of commercial maneuvers yesterday; it was -8 deg F when I headed to the airport to shovel.

MVFR is good for pattern work.

Do it!!
Yup, I've flown once this year, and it the plane never warmed up.
@Mooney Fan you are wiser than I. I took a short hop to get fuel this afternoon. 8 deg F and 20 gusting 30 while getting self-serve fuel was downright brutal, but I had wind to my back so that helped. Putting plane back in the hangar was painful to my exposed big nose. Ridiculous.
When I was doing my training this time last year I flew one time for 1.5 in the entire month of January. It's looking like it's going to be that way again this year. It has been bitter cold here in Indiana. If it's not too cloudy it's too cold and the poor rental's batteries are all sapped...

Here's hoping we'll both get some time in soon.
It's going to be in the 50s most of next week but I'm still going to the BVI where the highs are 82 and the lows are 76 all next week.
Doing the zero-to-hero catamaran captains course.
I was hoping to get to my home ‘drome to take a snow day sightseeing flight. All the airports in my region are closed!
:( :( :(
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