Transponder – Class D?

I disagree about being limited to class G. The regs do not require a transponder in D & E airspace; if I am missing something please point it out. The regs require you to have it on in D & E airspace IF you have one and IF it's inspection is current.
It's true that the regs do not require a transponder in D and E. If you don't have one, then groovy. However, if you have one installed then you are required to operate it.

Class D and E are controlled airspace. A plain reading of 91.215(c) requires that an operable transponder be turned on in controlled airspace. 91.413 specifies that required periodicity of inspections for any transponder being operated. I'm curious to know what you're reading that leads you to disagree, particularly as I went through a Compliance Action with the FAA for flying in Class E with a transponder out of periodicity.
That complicates things. Interesting to read (not really, I fell asleep three times) 91.215 & 91.225. Why haven't they been merged into one?

Agreed, if you have the equipment, it must be on. But, are you required to have a transponder (ADS-B out or not) below 10k in D or E airspace?
No, but if you have an ADS-B transponder or something like a Tailbeacon, you’re “stuck” having to use it constantly.

I don’t know why it’s a problem for some.