GTX345 issues


Filing Flight Plan
Oct 13, 2024
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John Gill
I've posted this in another model specific forum, but I thought this might get some other opinions. I have a GTX345 transponder that is hooked up with an IFD540 and a relatively newly installed dynon skyview HDX system on my A36. The IFD/GTX combo have been in since before the Dynon install.

I've just noticed recently, but more than likely it's been happening since the Dynon install a few months ago, the GTX is not going from "ground" to "flight" mode until right about 100 kts. It's also switching the other way from "flight" to "ground" when on approach and I slow below 100 kts. Otherwise, there is nothing else on the transponder that would indicate a problem.

I've already gone through the settings and verified that the transponder is set to "light" aircraft. The stall speed was set at "default", but for kicks, I tried changing it to "manual" and put the speed at 30kts, the lowest possible speed. That didn't seem to affect when the transponder would switch.

Any thoughts on this issue? It's really not a huge deal, other than when I want to depart IFR or with flight following and tower likes to tell me that they do not have radar contact. Once I speed up, everything is back to normal.
Any chance it's configured for a squat switch?
Any chance it's configured for a squat switch?
Yeah, it was actually configured for a squat switch in the settings. I tried turning it off to see what would happen and there was the opposite problem where the transponder was showing in ALT constantly. When I requested the PAPR report, it showed a 14% air on ground failure.

I've decided to just take it to a shop to have them look at the configurations with the garmin software to see if they can figure it out.