Meat eaters need not reply

I'm a meat eater, but I do won a Chili cookoff in the "other" category once with a vegan Chili (Tempeh-based). Now anytime anybody asks I refer to it as my "award-winning" chili recipe.
I am a big fan of trying not to eat meat. I eat meat but if there are meatless options, I tend to pick them.
2024 restaurant tricks:
* I assume that restaurant food is unhealthy by definition, so going the meatless route is a form of harm reduction
* There is often a substantial price difference between enmeated dishes and their meatless compatriots, and it adds up if you take a family of four to somewhere nicer than taco bell
* split that EXTRA BIG ASS entree with your partner
* don't let your kids order mocktails, it's $10 for juice and seltzer and a mint leaf ffs
Well before I ever heard the term "vegan," I fell in love with portabella mushroom burgers. But I don't understand vegan pretend meat like the impossible burger.
I like the flavor of meat, but like almost everything in life, moderation is the key, so no 16+ oz steaks.
I had a friend whose wife demanded they go meatless and she put them on a heavy soy diet--edamame, soy-milk, tofu, etc. He was a big milk drinker. (Personally, I hate the stuff, real and fake, though I will go for a machiatto or cappuccino on occasion. Cheese is okay as is butter. Also it's not "milk" unless it comes from teats, but that's another personal beef. Go farmers!). He drank a lot of soy "milk", no meat except rarely when I took him out for a burger. A year into this nonsense his member went limp. When he had a checkup, the doc explored his diet and recommended he stop drinking soy "milk." It took a while, but his soldier stood tall again.
They both dropped the soy obsession.
Our youngest son is vegan and once told me at a Vietnamese restaurant, "You should try this tofu, Dad, it tastes just like meat." I told him when I wanted something that tastes like meat, the answer is very simple.
Well before I ever heard the term "vegan," I fell in love with portabella mushroom burgers. But I don't understand vegan pretend meat like the impossible burger.
Marketing. Most of those fake meats are worse for you than the real thing. There are lots of substitutes that don't pretend to be meat that are healthier.
Rich, I like camping and have always loved the idea of cooking really great meals like you do at camp, but it seems like I rarely ever did. Seems I was always rushing through meal prep because the outing of the day took so long or whatever.... The few times I did focus on cooking stuff, the best things I made as I recall were during the time I got into playing around with a dutch oven fired by charcoals. Anyway, I love the way you camp!!

My sister told the story a long time ago about her neighbor. A vegetarian of some flavor or another who was attending some sort of dinner at my sister's place. It seems my sister always tried to be respectful and tell her when things had meat, but on one occasion the neighbor got into the beans before she could be told.... was raving about how good they tested. My sister didn't have the heart to tell her what they were cooked in.

What I remember about tofu is that it can be a great carrier of flavor and can be made to imitate meat nicely...but nowadays I stay very far away from soy. I went full-on carnivore about two years ago. Pretty much have bought into the idea that humans can get the nutrients they need from meat, especially ruminant animals, but simply can't get everything they need from plants...and some plants have so many antinutrients and other compounds that they can be harmful.
remove the bun and then I think you've nailed it!
I met a guy who has the alpha gal syndrome from a tick bite, talk about a bummer. His doctor told him “feathers or fins”, no mammalian meat for him.
oh, so close!..... the sprouts, What are you thinking, man???

I guess I'd call that rounding error. Easy enough to knock those things off the top! :)
That looks good, but I'd leave the soy out and just enjoy the veggies and flavor.

I don't do the keto thing by any stretch, but I do try to seek out veggies to go with the meat, and try to a reasonable degree to reduce the fillers - rice, cereals, grain. But I still am going to have a bun with the burger.

I try to avoid processed food, too. But every once in a while I'll eat something from a fast food place, or have a bowl of miso soup as an appetizer before dinner.
That looks good, but I'd leave the soy out and just enjoy the veggies and flavor.

I don't do the keto thing by any stretch, but I do try to seek out veggies to go with the meat, and try to a reasonable degree to reduce the fillers - rice, cereals, grain. But I still am going to have a bun with the burger.

I try to avoid processed food, too. But every once in a while I'll eat something from a fast food place, or have a bowl of miso soup as an appetizer before dinner.
So funny how different people's tastes can be. I love the tofu in this dish and super regularly do my burger without a bun!

Not, however, last weekend.

Last weekend, I made a smash burger and then, instead of using a bun, I made two grilled cheese and tomato sandwiches. Coming soon when I post my trip to the Ranger Airfield Fly-in.
