FEMA blocked Starlink delivery flight to Western NC

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If there's no power, what good is starlink?
I have borrowed my life motto from an old Army Intellegience branch badge of my dad's - in God I trust, all others I monitor. :cool:

As far as internet/starlink, I imagine a big benefit would be hospitals and shelters (and other places with power, generator-driven or otherwise) being able to have internet.
Around here the valleys, and "foothills" if you will, had power and water restored in 3-4 days for most locations. Up in the hills it is still out today. Roan Mountain for example is still without power and water. It's a mess up there. FEMA was there yesterday coordinating volunteers helping with food, water, clothing, cleanup, etc. Yesterday we saw the interstate full of bucket trucks heading towards these locations which is good albeit somewhat delayed.

Not sure why assistance from non-governmental parties would be turned down as we have heard many many reports of. I have personally heard from individuals reporting this.
Locked for review.

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