Breaking in engine (another logging question)


Mar 18, 2024
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I am a CSEL/CMEL & Instrument pilot with 1300hrs TT (HP/Complex). A friend of mine just got his V35’s engine overhauled and asked me to help him break it in, as he isn’t very proficient. My only time in a V35 is safety pilot time, but I have time in a variety of airplanes.

I flew it an hour earlier doing the recommended break in procedure. Is this likely to look questionable on a logbook audit at the airlines?
I see nothing illegal.
Nothing immoral either.
Not seeing the problem.
It probably put him at some financial risk since it's doubtful you met the insurance clause for additional pilots (which usually require time in type), but I can't imagine why anyone at an airline would care at all.
If you could legally fly the plane, why would it be questionable?
Flying a forked-tailed doctor killer without being a licensed physician? Yep, that looks pretty questionable. Rehearse your explanation, if you have one, and hope the AMA doesn’t sue.
Good one
FAA doesn't care about the insurance's rules for who can be PIC. So as long as you are ASEL with a medical and photo id, and aircraft is airworthy, you are good to go.