seen on the fbo bathroom wall

"Not all pilots have a seaplane rating..."
I always found the most practical one was "Did you close your flight plan?"
Not me, because I could forget as soon as I leave the bathroom. I like the trick of putting my watch on the opposite wrist, which I leave there until the FP is closed. (Not that I file VFR flight plans much any more.)
Not me, because I could forget as soon as I leave the bathroom. I like the trick of putting my watch on the opposite wrist, which I leave there until the FP is closed. (Not that I file VFR flight plans much any more.)
But then you will wonder why the watch is on that wrist
Years ago I had gone off to an airpark HOA meeting (off field) and left some house guests behind for a while. When I got back this discussion occurred:

Chip: The FAA called.
Me: What did they want
Chip: I don't know. I didn't answer the phone.
Me: How did you know it was the FAA?
Chip: It was in the caller ID.

Turns out one of my neighbors had neglected to close his flight plan and they were checking up to see if he was indeed on the ground here.
Local to Washington DC


L B JOHNSON was president
I wish I would have take a photograph of an editorial on a bathroom wall pertaining to the the ethics of one Barron Thomas..

I guess it was there so you wouldn't wet yourself laughing... which I almost did..
“Turds over 50 pounds must be lowered by pulley”

Actually that was seen on an outhouse wall at boyscout camp.