Hug your kids

Ed Haywood

Jul 12, 2020
Tampa FL
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Big Ed
Every chance you get. Tell them you love them.

My heart is breaking.

Will the sound of a prop and the feel of an aircraft lifting off ever bring joy again?
Sending up a prayer for you know. Sounds tough. I hope that whatever grief is involved, is not without hope.
Don’t know what’s going on Ed, but we’ll put y’all in our prayers.
Sorry Ed. Thanks for reminding me that everything else I think and worry about is secondary BS. So true. Sorry brother. I hope you and yours find some peace soon.

Sorry for whatever is going on
Adding my heartfelt prayers for you and your loved ones.
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Sorry man, hugging my grow son when he gets home from college extra long for you.
Life does funny things to us, ED.

You and yours have my sympathy, and I will share some fresh hugs soon.
Very sorry Edd, no words, but thinking of you and yours.
Way too young. I'm so sorry. Your family will be in our prayers.
I'm so very sorry to hear this, Ed.
I cannot imagine the hurt & horror you are experiencing. Some here have had to suffer through this and may be of assistance to you. It'll take much time but my prayer is that God Almighty will give unto you the peace you need ...
I can't imagine your pain. I'm sorry for your loss and hope you find peace.
so sorry. you are in my thoughts. :(
So very sorry. Strength to you as you lead your family through this time, and prayers for the peace that will come in time.
Praying for you, Ed. I cannot imagine what you're going through, but God knows and I pray He sends you comfort.
A real nightmare. I pray that God will be with him, and with you and your family. So hard to see any good from something like this. I hope my son will be home from college this weekend, and I will for sure give him a good hug!
My hopes that you and yours can get through this. Having lost a daughter too early, I can only say I try and remember the good things as the other remembrances fade over time, albeit never go away.
I have no words, but offer my prayers for you and your family.