Stranded post solo xc student pilot ready for checkride but no cfi available to me locally….willing to travel, where to go to finish?? Help!!


Filing Flight Plan
Aug 24, 2024
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Hi friends, I’m a post solo xc student pilot from Georgia who has finished all the PPL training requirements for the checkride. I have well over 40 hours dual and 10 hours solo. I’m willing to travel to a checkride finish up school, even if it’s someplace not within driving distance for me and I just take a plane or train there. I’ve read about American Flyers in Florida, Venture North Aviation in Minnesota, and someplace in California that I don’t remember the name of as well. Can someone please reach out here? I’d appreciate the help, prayers please
How did you accumulate those hours with no instructor available?
How did you accumulate those hours with no instructor available?
I’m reading my ASA oral manual and private pilot books while stranded so I’m prepared to answer the practice orals
Cool Breeze Aviation (Desiree Strong, DPE) out of Stennis KHSA, has a good reputation on the gulf coast. She was suggested to me when I had a DPE cancel on me, and go incommunicado, at the last minute.
Georgia is a big state
I have ended up going to rural Wisconsin to get a DPE slot. Wisconsin Aviation.

Another option is
Since you're not looking for a DPE (yet), just a CFI (and airplane) to finish up, I wouldn't think you'd have to travel TOO far. I mean, you shouldn't have to Minnesota or California or anything like that. You're in Georgia, which has Atlanta. Atlanta's a pretty big city, I assume it must have a few flight schools.

But that obvious, I have to assume you've checked around there. I also assume you must live in more rural GA if you're having this problem. Still, Atlanta isn't that far away. For that matter, I'd check Savannah or Jacksonville or some of those other metro areas near GA before I'd start thinking about traveling across the country.

IF* you are where you say you are in training, you're maybe only looking at a few flights and then the checkride. So I wouldn't think it would make sense to travel too far.

* That's a big IF. I (and most other CFIs) have numerous, neverending stories of students who came to us saying "I meet all the requirements, I'm basically checkride ready, just need the sign-off" when in fact they may have met all the experience requirements (or maybe not even that), but they certainly aren't as proficient and checkride-ready as they think they are.
I’m reading my ASA oral manual and private pilot books while stranded so I’m prepared to answer the practice orals
I guess I'm confused. That didn't answer my question. Are you looking for a dpe or a CFI to sign you off to get the checkride? It appears most assume you're looking for a dpe. But it sounds youre looking for a cfi before contacting a dpe?

If the latter, what happened to the CFI that signed you off for the solo xc?

As Russ mentioned, meeting the minimum experience is different than being able to meet acs standards.
I had the same experience in Georgia.
Clark Flying Services
(706) 353-3213

David will get you check-ride ready, has for hundreds if not thousands of pilots.