Do you call when you're the unknown traffic

Don't open the can of worms. Let them do what they are going to do without involving you. From experience, I have learned to play dumb.
What is the purpose of monitoring Approach (instead of talking to them)? They may point you out to other traffic, but you have to do the inverse calculation in your head to figure out where the other traffic is.
If you’re going to monitor frequency and do all of that, why not just get flight following?
In my case, same answer to both. Enhanced situational awareness while not really wanting to talk to anyone. Before someone accuses me of being afraid of ATC, when I'm not IFR, I've been a regular user of flight following since I've been a student pilot. My long solo cross country took me into an ARSA (now Class C). I'm a fan and a proponent of flight following. But the bottom line is, while I do have to aviate and navigate every time I fly, communicate is an option when VFR.

There are times I don't want to talk, just be aware. I don't see the "inverse calculation" problem @sarangan sees. Sure, if I were beamed into an airplane already in flight and suddenly heard a traffic call, I'd be disoriented, but that's not what's happening. Whenever I've done it and heard myself pointed out, It's been obvious (even before TIS-B).

And to answer the question in the thread, sometimes I call and identify myself. Sometimes I will also ask for FF. Sometimes I just keep quiet. It depends.
Funny thing I've noticed these days is that with ADS-B, I've had more than one controller call me in the blind when I am in "stealth mode" just to see if I was on frequency. I will always answer, but if I don't need air traffic service during a VFR flight, I probably won't make a call. But when I listen, if it appears that my speaking up and checking in would be helpful to the controller or the overall safety situation, I certainly will make my presence known. Otherwise I just enjoy the ride.......
Sometimes busy airports are too busy to pay attention to FF. During flight training my instructor and I flew from South Jersey to North Jersey (Greenwood Lake). We got flight following and handed off to New York. When we had Greenwood lake in sight we called to cancel flight following with no response. My instructor made the decision to land and call them on the phone. Somehow they forgot about us and appreciated the call.

Another time was flying south to Cape May and got FF from Atlantic City while flying along the coast. ATC diverted me east out over the ocean for incoming Coast guard helicopters. As the buildings got smaller as I headed out to sea I called ATC to request getting back yo my original route. They apologized for forgetting about me.

My take away is major airports are too busy with an onslaught of commercial traffic to really stay on top of little guys like me. I do use it for night flying and long cross country but always have a concern I will be lost in the ATC dealing with bigger fish.
I'll resurrect the old thread with a recent experience I had. I never really thought I'd be in a position to do this but alas....

I was flying with a fellow club member the other day in a plane I'm not familiar with. We chose to do a round-robin flight from HYA to CQX where we swapped seats and I flew from CQX to PVC then to PYM where we swapped again where he took us back home to HYA. On the CQX-PVC leg, we were planning to utilize the LFV VOR so that he could dabble in the GPS (he's an IFR student) while I handled the flying. The LFV VOR is a popular spot for Cape Air trainers. Perfect clear day and all, my friend decided to monitor Boston Approach. Now, I've done a significant amount of flying and training in this corridor and have never really worried about monitoring approach. Traffic avoidance out here is pretty easy and I know LFV is busy so I generally stay away from it. We heard approach talking to a Cape Air trainer announcing us "...unknown VFR aircraft at your 10 o'clock indicating 1,800 feet" and Cape Air couldn't see us. When we spotted him, I called "Approach, Tiger 36R we have Cape Air in sight." Seemed to ease the alarm, at least. "Care Trainer xxx VFR traffic has you in sight, no longer a factor." Personally, I'll keep that in mind in the future when I'm flying around the outer Cape. I'm a flight following junkie when I'm actually transiting somewhere. If I'm just sight-seeing or practicing I've not been one to monitor but now I will.
If you’re not going to call approach for FF, then just stay on your heading and altitude. That way you remain predicable for ATC to issue a traffic call on you. Chiming in at the last minute to tell ATC who you are isn’t much of a benefit to the controller.
This is the correct answer to your specific question.

No idea why people chime in on stuff that is not related to a question.
I usually use flight following, but sometimes not if it's evening and low traffic. Still like to monitor approach incase I need their help or more awareness around me.

There were 2 occasions where I realized for fact certain ATC was talking about my ship. I got on air and said it's likely me and gave tail number, which ATC confirmed as I have ADS-B. Since "traffic was in sight" the other pilot didn't get vectored around. Made for a harmonious moment for all.
People express and derive joy from their freedoms differently? I could just as easily slur pilots who use FF as NPC conformists.

Some people like being part of a well-oiled and functional system like ATC.

Some people like just flying somewhere and being that fly on the wall. I think if you're that type, listening to ATC is prudent, there may be something unusual going on that you'd like to know about.
I monitor the frequency but do not talk because I want them to deviate, not me. Many times I’ve been vectored miles out of my way while VFR FF.
I rarely use FF, but I'm not scared of it. I do like to be that fly on the wall. I usually listen to ATC in case they call me, but also just for practice.

I've also had them call me and once I answered, they started vectoring me. Once I got a lecture because he was having to divert a United flight for me. BS. I'm not even close to being in the way of that flight and I'm flying a straight line. That controller was calling out any airplane that wasn't talking to him and complaining. Because of him, I no longer answer.
I had a jet inbound for HKY ask the controller if they were talking to N5327K and HKY said they weren't. I was about ready to call in for entry into the class D and replied "Well, you're talking to him now."
As stated previously, I monitor, and respond if I feel that I’m causing a problem. Occasionally they will contact me even when I’m not causing a problem, stating they wish I would check in despite being well out of the class c airspace. He was so nice about it, explaining how I could help him out, I now intend to check in from now on(only in ABQ class c area).
So many times we're told that flight following is "workload dependent" or similar. What I've learned while flying around the Boston airspace is that they're "working" you even when they're not talking to you. Meaning they might be vectoring aircraft around you for avoidance or restricting the movement of aircraft as a result of your unidentified radar blip being in the area. Getting a squawk code from the controllers assists in their situational awareness.
A few months ago, I was taking my boys up for a sight-seeing trip around the Cape. Once established at 3000 I tuned Boston Approach with the intent of just monitoring. Within only a few seconds, I heard them giving a traffic warning to Boston MedFlight for "unknown at 3000 feet 11 o'clock." I quickly deduced that was me because I had the helicopter in sight. So I chimed in. We were at the same altitude so I offered to descend and avoid. Approach thanked me and offered a squawk. I told the controller I was just gonna fly around the Cape with no destination. Not a problem. I just let them know if I made any erratic maneuvers and when I decided to return to home field. Nowadays, I opt to check in with Boston. Seems to make everything safer and easier and it's really no inconvenience to me.