South Carolina Breakfast Club 8/18 @ Triple Tree SC00 NO excuses attendance mandatory if you live in the United States not just for Southeast peeps


Touchdown! Greaser!
PoA Supporter
Mar 10, 2013
Oakland, CA
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Bro do you even lift
roll call will be taken and harsh penalties handed out for no-shows everyone is invited even salty JK he's out of town that day but maybe midlifeflyer will break his 10-year hiatus from being social and join us but probably not and maybe we'll see more midwest defectors show up and also will theisen step up his excuse game or will he be able to borrow a plane this time who knows but he'll probably ask someone for a ride and in case you need any motivation to fly in to triple tree with it's 7000 feet of grass runway that even high wing flyers could probably land on here's some grass to look at* *not actual triple tree grass please consult with your CFI to see if landing on grass is right for you


SC00 for general info and the procedure to fly in (basically VPWLW -> VPENO -> SC00)

and here is what a breakfast looks like* *not actual triple tree breakfast you should definitely lower your expectations if you think this is what you're going to get but it is a fun time


also they do a 50/50 raffle so here's an image of money* *not actual triple tree raffle money that money usually doesn't have the zeros after the ones


so, who's in?

@Dave Theisen
@Bill Watson
@Lance F
@Fearless Tower
@Matthew K
@Hang 4
@Ben Diss
@Rich Holt
@Roger Wyatt
@John Collins

also @everyoneelse
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Hmm..I'll have to pass. I'll be flying back from C29 that day (hopefully).
I feel like I've proved myself enough to you and the SE community that I should get my own mention, as opposed to being categorized with "everyone else".

also i'm a maybe
I feel like I've proved myself enough to you and the SE community that I should get my own mention...
This was my first mention. It's a pretty tall bar apparently.
I feel like I've proved myself enough to you and the SE community that I should get my own mention, as opposed to being categorized with "everyone else".

also i'm a maybe

like the FAA, paperwork processing is a little slow on my end. you should see your direct callout before the next SE fly-in no one from the SE attends.
Aug 18? That sounds pretty good. Just an hour flight from northside of Atlanta. I'll pencil it in. Gives me plenty of time to dodge thunderstorms on the way back.
Aug 18? That sounds pretty good. Just an hour flight from northside of Atlanta. I'll pencil it in. Gives me plenty of time to dodge thunderstorms on the way back.
And it looks like this is a special SCBC event, so it shouldn't be quite as busy as the big Fly-in in September.
You lost me at breakfast. I don’t get up that early unless someone is paying me to burn Jet-A. :)

Seriously, I saw that @write-stuff was in and had already sized him up as being my next target to beg for a ride, but then realized I will be at a wedding that weekend.

I will be at the “real” Triple Tree Fly-in.
All I have to do between now and then is recover from whatever TF illness I have and do a condition inspection on the -10.

Its in the bag.
+ Cool airport
- Leave @ 6am to get there @ 9 ugh.

Sure, why not.
A tentative yes for me :D we're doing some upgrades to the Sundowner so if its not in the shop for the new engine monitor (cgr 30 combo) or new autopilot (totally pimp GFC-500) and the weather doesn't suck then I'll be there lol.
.... and the weather doesn't suck then I'll be there lol.
mid august in NC/SC, of course the wx is going to suck lol. here are some still shots from a vid I took going to the SCBC at triple tree 6 years ago.....




Alrighty, It's starting to look like I may be able to do this. We are bringing the Sundowner home from its annual tomorrow and it should be good to go for Sunday. I just did the preliminary planning and read all the procedures for triple tree that @eman1200 so graciously provided a link to.

I only have a billion questions ... lol. This will be my first fly in and first actual (everything has been "simulated" up to now) grass field. I'm not worried about the grass thing, I've been practicing that one like mad. I have a solid technique and can usually settle it down nice and gentle and I'm not afraid of a go-around, the 7000 ft of turf doesn't hurt either. What I don't really know is actual flying etiquette when there is a conga line of planes into a field like this and we're not really supposed to transmit, just listen. I also haven't a bloody clue of how to find any of you once there as I've not met anyone yet, this being my first fly in and all ...
Alrighty, It's starting to look like I may be able to do this. We are bringing the Sundowner home from its annual tomorrow and it should be good to go for Sunday. I just did the preliminary planning and read all the procedures for triple tree that @eman1200 so graciously provided a link to.

I only have a billion questions ... lol. This will be my first fly in and first actual (everything has been "simulated" up to now) grass field. I'm not worried about the grass thing, I've been practicing that one like mad. I have a solid technique and can usually settle it down nice and gentle and I'm not afraid of a go-around, the 7000 ft of turf doesn't hurt either. What I don't really know is actual flying etiquette when there is a conga line of planes into a field like this and we're not really supposed to transmit, just listen. I also haven't a bloody clue of how to find any of you once there as I've not met anyone yet, this being my first fly in and all ...

PERSONALLY I'd find at least one grass strip to practice on first but that's just me.....after you do it once you realize it's mostly like any other landing and you'll be like "oh, that's it?!?" but prob not a big deal if you don't. as for flying the "procedure", it's mostly just looking out for other planes. for me, coming from the northeast:

I don't want to be making that tight turn at Wally World, lifting a wing into potential traffic coming from every which way. so imma swing just south of KLUX, over the town of Larens and come more straight into the first vfr waypoint. but that's just me, you do you. otherwise it's just watching out for other planes, flying VPWLW to VPENO to the field. you'll cross midfield and land on the active runway, which they'll prob be announcing. then they'll direct you how/where to taxi, last time they had marshalers so it makes it pretty easy. as for being able to find people, that's a good question, as people actually have to show up for them to be found. I'll be wearing my NY Rangers hat. I'll probably also be wearing clothes, but definitely the hat to make it easy to look for something. although looking for an ugly nekid dude probably would be easy to find as well. anyways, I'll stick to the plan, clothes plus hat.
What I don't really know is actual flying etiquette when there is a conga line of planes into a field like this and we're not really supposed to transmit, just listen.
The etiquette is pretty much described in the instructions.

I suspect you'll be disappointed at how normal the landing on a well-maintained grass runway is after all the soft field practice.

My first grass landing was in a flight school airplane. The school permitted grass runways based on an oral checkout with the chief pilot. He asked me what kind of landing I would do. When I answered "soft field," he said, "if you need to do a soft field landing, we don't want you to land there." As soon as I touched down, I realized he was right.
I don't want to be making that tight turn at Wally World, lifting a wing into potential traffic coming from every which way. so imma swing just south of KLUX, over the town of Larens and come more straight into the first vfr waypoint.
Kind of my plan as well, although I'm thinking more of picking up I-385 at the intersection of I-26 and following the interstate to Wally World, subject to traffic.

But good point about how we recognize each other. No so good about seeing you naked.

the more I think of it the more I'd recommend finding the largest/widest runway you can and get a practice landing there, if you're used to smaller runways. the runway at TT is yuuuuge and if you aren't used to that, might throw u off a bit. I wouldn't worry much, only a coupl'a hundred people will be watching you.
the more I think of it the more I'd recommend finding the largest/widest runway you can and get a practice landing there
Y'know, a very good point. There's probably more of a problem with the wide runway illusion on a 400' wide runway than that the runway is grass. Fortunately, with my landings, it doesn't matter.
the more I think of it the more I'd recommend finding the largest/widest runway you can and get a practice landing there, if you're used to smaller runways. the runway at TT is yuuuuge and if you aren't used to that, might throw u off a bit. I wouldn't worry much, only a coupl'a hundred people will be watching you.

Thanks for the pointers. I fly out of KINT - Smith Reynolds so I'm used to seeing 2 different size runways on any given day. 33/15 is 6655 x 150 ft and 20/4 is 3938x150. It's actually neat how different those 2 feel even though they are both the same width. I do get the point though ... it took me a minute to get used to 33/15 due the size difference.

Oh and I'll likely be wearing a tan Mt Airy Equip ball cap ...

And another question - what time are you all planning on arriving?
I'm thinking of flying in as well since I'm now based at NC26. Looks like I'm less than an hour away, so I should have no excuse.

I, too, am curious about what time things kick into gear.. better to arrive earlier than later?

And despite @eman1200's suggestion of arriving nekkid for ease of being spotted :D, I think I'll wear my Long Island Airpark t-shirt and an Opposing Bases hat.
But I can't afford breakfast now...

Interesting that this event is on Sunday. I'd assumed the 18th was Saturday until I looked.

“Every other Sunday since 1938”. C’mon, man!
1900+ NM is too far to fly for breakfast - no matter how good the food is! I did fly to SC00 for their 2014 fly-in, but I lived in Virginia then. Washington State is too far and there are too many forest fires between me and there to head that direction. I did love that 7,000' long golf green runway though! My plane is the taildragger Maule with my tent on the rise behind my plane.


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