Can I get certified medically if I am diagnosed Bipolar, but not to a dangerous degree?


Filing Flight Plan
Aug 6, 2024
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hey, I'm in a flight class at the school I go to, but I'm worried that I wont be able to get any kind of medical certification in order to even learn flight in an actual plane! in this class they use a flight simulator, but the teacher owns an airstrip nearby. I have been hospitalized several times in the past due to my home life at the time, which I have gotten away from. I know the odds are NOT in my favor here, seeing as Bipolar is one of three mental health no-no's prohibited by federal law. I'm not on any medication for bipolar disorder, as its not as dangerous as others, and I don't have psychosis or blackouts. I have had history of psychosis, but it was trauma-based and it stopped when I got out of the situation, and it has been officially taken off of my record. I see the dangers of someone with my mental health issues flying, but its my dream to fly, and I never thought i would have a chance at it.. until now. I meet most if not all requirements (except maybe age, but I'm planning to get certified when I can, it doesn't have to be immediate), and my heart would be broken if I have to give up now. I know the chances are slim... but please, if anyone has any information regarding this, it would be greatly appreciated.
hey, I'm in a flight class at the school I go to, but I'm worried that I wont be able to get any kind of medical certification in order to even learn flight in an actual plane! in this class they use a flight simulator, but the teacher owns an airstrip nearby. I have been hospitalized several times in the past due to my home life at the time, which I have gotten away from. I know the odds are NOT in my favor here, seeing as Bipolar is one of three mental health no-no's prohibited by federal law. I'm not on any medication for bipolar disorder, as its not as dangerous as others, and I don't have psychosis or blackouts. I have had history of psychosis, but it was trauma-based and it stopped when I got out of the situation, and it has been officially taken off of my record. I see the dangers of someone with my mental health issues flying, but its my dream to fly, and I never thought i would have a chance at it.. until now. I meet most if not all requirements (except maybe age, but I'm planning to get certified when I can, it doesn't have to be immediate), and my heart would be broken if I have to give up now. I know the chances are slim... but please, if anyone has any information regarding this, it would be greatly appreciated.
You would be most likely to get an authoritative answer if you post your question about medical certification in the Medical Topics section.

[Edit: I see that the thread has since been moved.]

No medical certificate is necessary to become a glider pilot or a non-commercial balloon pilot.

If you hold a driver's license and have not applied for and been denied a medical certificate, you could become a sport pilot if you successfully meet the training and testing requirements.

Even for operations that don't require a medical certificate, acting as pilot-in-command is prohibited if your condition would make it unsafe to do so. The FAA recommends consulting your physician about that.

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This seems familiar, I seem to recall a similar post earlier this year.
There's no such thing as just being a little bipolar as far as the FAA is concerned. Your only hope is to disprove that you have that particular disorder. That's going to take a round through the HIMS system (with psychiatric exams, etc...).
Try flying an ulltralight aircraft. Requires no medical (no training required but very highly advised!) and on a fair weather day they are a blast to fly. In doing so you will either kill yourself or prove that you are a safe pilot.

If all goes well you could move up into Sport Pilot which only requires a valid driver's license as a medical as long as you have no known conditions for which you'd be unsafe to fly.

Here's a couple of ultralights to consider:


Find a school with a motorglider. I'm grounded for the same thing. Found a motorglider school with an aircraft that at the time could have been certificated as a glider or an airplane and did 10 hours before running out of money and then the school closed down. Flew just like the regular airplanes I was used to, except I wasn't nervous turning the engine off and soaring, which is something couldn't do in Cessna or Piper. And you could do the impossible 180 engineout turn to the runway.

I'm too lazy to drive the hour to a school with an LSA but like a previous post mentioned, sport pilot is an option if you can self-certify that your bipolar doesn't make you unsafe to operate an LSA. pilot is an option if you can self-certify that your bipolar doesn't make you unsafe to operate an LSA.

Note that Sport Pilot does require you to have a driver's license if you don't hold a medical certificate. Not sure, but I don't think that's required for a glider ticket.
Note that Sport Pilot does require you to have a driver's license if you don't hold a medical certificate. Not sure, but I don't think that's required for a glider ticket.
Correct, gliders and balloons do not require a driver's license. Light sport does. 61.23 (b) and (c)
Thanks, Ron.

@toasteeclub , even though it seems obvious, I should mention that if your conditions and your doctor’s opinion preclude you from driving, you shouldn’t fly even if it might be legal.
I think Jay's kids got their pilot's license before they got their driver's license. He bought an Ercoupe for the kids and they realized that since it qualified to park in Vintage, that they didn't need to be anywhere near their parents during the show.
Bipolar is permanently disqualifying but people have been successful in disproving the diagnoses see the ten year life test no events but if you know you have it and your doctor thinks so then flying is out. But life will be ok and it can be great!