Anyone Fly RC Planes?

I flew RC for a while. Only Electric, and mainly balsa. Some own-design and scratch built, some from plans, some kits. A few foamies thrown in for kicks. Even had some of my models featured in a couple of issues of Flying Scale Models. Haven't built or flown any RC in years, pretty much gave it up when I got back in to flying the real thing. Maybe will get back into it when I retire.





View attachment 2006_12 December.pdf
View attachment 2007_01 January.pdf
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As I said above, the Taranis is awesome if you’re willing to learn it. And imo it’s easier to learn than the name brands. It’s more complicated yes, but it’s properly documented unlike the double translated nonsense you get with the brands. A poorly named feature with the long description of “this turns on and off poorly named feature”. Thanks for nothing.
Thanks, I hadn't even researched it enough to realize Taranis and Frsky where the same thing. Radiomaster was the other brand I was considering. Have no idea which would be better for me. The documentation comments about Taranis is really good information, thank you.

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I have a small box of glow engine parts (including an engine) that I’d be happy to donate for free to someone committed to putting them to use. PM me.
I have flown model aircraft off an on since I was young.

Started with control line.

Did some RC flying in college, mainly 1/2A (.049/.051)

Got back into it in the mid 2000s. Both glow and electric. Did some RC Combat (SSC). Got seriously into helicopters. I have helis from palm sized to a Bergen Gasser running 710 mm blades.

Currently out of the hobby. But did buy an RC model of one of my planes. :D

Every week, weather dependent, of course.
We have 3 VERY active clubs in my town and I fly with all of them.
Breakfast at the airport, Wednesday, 8:00 AM, then off to the field to fly models.
Our club also does the Rhinebeck Jamboree at the Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome.
This year it's Sept 6, 7, 8.
Models in the morning, historic aircraft in the afternoon.

Now that's a shameless plug.
Did some RC flying in college, mainly 1/2A (.049/.051)
Technically, is 1/2A but .051 is A. Cox made both versions so modelers could fly the same plane in both classes just by swapping the engine with no other changes.
Our club also does the Rhinebeck Jamboree at the Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome.
This year it's Sept 6, 7, 8.
I went to fly at the Jamboree once back in the mid 1970s, had a beat up Morane-Saulnier N model (covered with German logenze covering, go figure), but it was so windy that day I left the plane in the car.