Finally restarted my flying lessons.

Does you certificate have the word missions on it?
A student is studying to hopefully learn something. A learner is actually learning. I submit student covers learners, but many students do not learn. Therefore learner is less accurate.
You might be surprised at how much respect you get when you use the word "flight deck" in your pilot stories! Of course when they find out that you are a mere "learner" then all that dignity evaporates! :)

Have you called the Feds about updating the card in your wallet? :dunno:

Seriously: not trying to give you grief but rather trying to point out this absurdity discussed here previously ...

Students are "Learners" now...........

...............And, evidently, this has been going on for a few years. Why does the FAA continue to change the name or acronym for something EVERY day it seems? There must be an office of "maintaining confusion" in the FAA. They sure are good at it!

Well, they say the FAA isn't happy until you aren't happy. Guess the department of confusion is part of that.
A lot of his story is a good example of what NOT to do. Sometimes that's one's purpose in life.
If you are talking about using a flight simulator, you are full of it. It's not the same as flying, but I learned a lot and got the routine for air work and ground reference maneuvers down using it. I even started mastering crosswind landings with it.

Even my instructors recommended I use it and I pay them a lot more than I pay you.

BTW, today's home flight simulators are just a tad more realistic than the simulator that Micro$oft originally bought and provided to the general public. You might want to try a modern one for yourself, someday.

And, yes, one of my instructors probably milked me, but my time and money weren't entirely wasted.
Wow, I just skimmed over the 9 pages of your story. I just decided the other day to reengage with PoA since I'm about to get started again, and your thread title sounded interesting. I read with anxious anticipation the first page, until the end of the page when your wife went into the hospital. Then later yous started flying again and then your wife died. I'm so sorry about that. I know it was over a year ago at this point, but it touched me. And now, moving to CO to get to an aviation community, and now with the blood clots. I'm in awe of what you've already overcome and continuing your flying, but I'm sure you'll get there. Your story is an encouragement.

Thank you. Aviation has been a life-long passion, but family and other life came first.
I'm moving it. It's not all that elaborate. I have rudder pedals, 2 Saitek radio boxes, an auto-pilot box, and a switch box, along with a yoke*, and throttle quadrant. I also have a Track IR Pro and have Remote Flight set up so I don't have to squint to see the instruments. All this hooks up to my desk top computer, which has way more computing power than I need, but I figured it was better to buy a little more performance than what I needed than to by twice because I didn't get as much performance as I needed.

I have my bucket-list monitor: A curved 38" Alienware monitor. I wasn't sure if I was going to keep it before I used it. As soon as I used it I knew there was no going back!

*I have a CH Products yoke that I currently use. I wore my Honeycomb Alpha yoke out before 5 years were up, but the invoice is in my late wife's Amazon account and I'm working on getting access to it. I wasted most of yesterday getting access to her email so I could get the One Time Password they sent to the email. Then they sent another OTP to her phone, and it's been disconnected for a year. Now, I'm trying to go through Amazon's bereavement department.

If I can't get the yoke repaired under warranty, I'll probably go to M$F$2020 (which I have) and the Turtle Beach yoke, which uses Hall-Effect sensors.
Well, after numerous tries, I finally got access to Tammy's Amazon account. Unfortunately, she didn't buy it through Amazon.
I have already gone through all of her papers, and as far as I can tell, the only receipt she didn't keep was for this yoke.
Oh, brother. Can we just leave the language alone? I don't have the energy to keep up.
The card in my wallet still says "Student Pilot".
Even discussing the topic got another thread locked. Samizdat, straight up.
Sad, isn't it?
At the risk of getting my own thread locked, it is sad.

I'm not quite ready to buy another control yoke, but I read the Turtle Beach yoke reviews, and I think I'll just get another Honeycomb Alpha yoke. It looks like the manufacturing issue has been resolved and they seem to be in ample supply on Amazon.

I have a follow visit with my Dr. today. My leg feels much better and I'm not winded walking up a flight of stairs anymore.

I agree with my sister. I probably got the initial DVT and PE from driving the U-Haul truck over the mountains in Truckee. My leg hurt after that and even though I babied it a lot, it took a long time to feel better. I didn't check for any swelling.

My sister said when I first showed up with the truck, I was talking really softly, and she could barely hear me. As soon as I got started on EliQuis, my voice got a lot stronger. That's why I think I got the clots driving the truck.
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So, according to the doctor, I'm OK to fly as long as I'm on EliQuis. After that, either massive doses of aspirin or compression socks. Too many bad things can happen with massive doses of aspirin, so I'll use compression socks.

Luckily, all my blood work is back to normal - i.e. a teenager's. If the clot is still there, it's not affecting anything.

I'm currently working on my aviation knowledge, using Rod Machado's Private/Commercial Pilot Handbook and Workbook. I'm finishing up the weather chapter.
I want to reiterate that deep venous thromboses- blood clots in big veins, usually in a calf, can easily kill when dislodged and travel to the pulmonary vasculature (pulmonary emboli)

Glad you’re ok, crash.
I want to reiterate that deep venous thromboses- blood clots in big veins, usually in a calf, can easily kill when dislodged and travel to the pulmonary vasculature (pulmonary emboli)

Glad you’re ok, crash.
Thank you. Looks like I dodged a bullet.
I resumed my flying lessons, again! I had my first lesson in 3 months at Vector Flight at the Erie Municipal Airport (KEIK) yesterday.
Their operation is not nearly as rigorous as Aerodynamic Aviation's.

I logged 0.8 hours of time in a Cessna 172N N733XB if you want to track it on flight aware.
I did S-Turns, steep turns, slow flight, and power on, and power off stalls. I finished off by landing.
The airport is non-towered, and I made the calls. I felt shaky but got the right words out.

It was hot, 95 before we launched and 88 or so when we landed. There was no wind, and the air seemed smooth.

Whenever I landed on 31 at KRHV, almost every time it was bumpy going over the Hillview shopping center but then smoothing out before the runway threshold. The entire pattern for 34 was smooth as glass. I don't know if it was dumb luck or skill, but I landed on the center line, the wheels chirped, and we didn't bounce. After the nose came down after the flare so I could see the runway, I was still on the center line. I'm sure I'll have to work at it when there's a crosswind.

My CFI is teaching the full-stall landing. From what I understand, the FAA is getting away from that because you have minimal airspeed and thus control when you are close to the ground, and you are subject to unexpected gusts.

I couldn't find my Basic Med nor Express Med paperwork when I got entered into their system, but I have a Basic Med exam Wednesday next week and will have it for them long before I solo.

I changed my picture to Tuffy and me wearing out aviator helmets. His dog walker took that picture of us last Halloween
I resumed my flying lessons, again! I had my first lesson in 3 months at Vector Flight at the Erie Municipal Airport (KEIK) yesterday.
Their operation is not nearly as rigorous as Aerodynamic Aviation's.

I logged 0.8 hours of time in a Cessna 172N N733XB if you want to track it on flight aware.
I did S-Turns, steep turns, slow flight, and power on, and power off stalls. I finished off by landing.
The airport is non-towered, and I made the calls. I felt shaky but got the right words out.

It was hot, 95 before we launched and 88 or so when we landed. There was no wind, and the air seemed smooth.

Whenever I landed on 31 at KRHV, almost every time it was bumpy going over the Hillview shopping center but then smoothing out before the runway threshold. The entire pattern for 34 was smooth as glass. I don't know if it was dumb luck or skill, but I landed on the center line, the wheels chirped, and we didn't bounce. After the nose came down after the flare so I could see the runway, I was still on the center line. I'm sure I'll have to work at it when there's a crosswind.

My CFI is teaching the full-stall landing. From what I understand, the FAA is getting away from that because you have minimal airspeed and thus control when you are close to the ground, and you are subject to unexpected gusts.

I couldn't find my Basic Med nor Express Med paperwork when I got entered into their system, but I have a Basic Med exam Wednesday next week and will have it for them long before I solo.

I changed my picture to Tuffy and me wearing out aviator helmets. His dog walker took that picture of us last Halloween
So glad you're flying!

If you stay in the 172, just a slight blip of the throttle before touchdown = the greasiest landings ever.

Thanks for sharing your story and journey, CnB its really inspirational.