Done . . .

The smart patient and the smart doctor will read the link that Piperonca posted above and realize that pharmacy benefit managers are making millions by keeping people from paying out of pocket for drugs that are horribly inflated in cost through third party handlers but are relatively inexpensive to distribute if purchased outright without insurance copays.

Read how Martin Shkreli was caught in one of these scams and jailed for raising drug prices by 5,000%
There was another prescription that I filled at a CVS, and they charged me about 8X what Amazon charged after I switched to the latter.
Halfway through radiation/chemo, I'm acutely aware of one of the side effects: ;)

(Two or three days of raking up fallout. At least it's gray, not blond, which it would have been many years ago . . . )

Halfway through radiation/chemo, I'm acutely aware of one of the side effects: ;)

(Two or three days of raking up fallout. At least it's gray, not blond, which it would have been many years ago . . . )

View attachment 131593
That's from your head, right? Right?! Lol. Sorry you've joined those of us who didn't have the lovely locks anymore.
Dave, our prayers are with you. I have not been around the forum very long, but have enjoyed your company. I’m not going to tell you this can be beat; way above my pay grade. I will tell you I had a rare, bad cancer in ’98, radiation treatment to the head. It came back in ’02 and had a second radiation treatment. I’m still here. I ran into my oncologist at the airport a few years back (he had moved away); he greeted me by saying “damn, are you still alive?”. You have the right attitude and are taking this on your own terms. Bless you and your family.